Dry sandstorms flooded the barren land for miles, forty mile an - TopicsExpress


Dry sandstorms flooded the barren land for miles, forty mile an hour winds slammed the empty land howling with such fierceness no sound could penetrate it. Grains of sand, which most would say were seemingly harmless, formed as one in the once empty sky blotting out the sun, casting a shadow of death over the land and all inhabitants that may dwell there. The reputation of the Saudi desert is well known. Dry, dehydrating winds are almost always present and the ones who are unlucky enough to find themselves trapped in this vast death trap could walk for miles in all directions yet all, are sooner or later consumed by death, suffering horribly and perish, their bodies eventually decomposing and being covered over time in the endless sands. Unluckier still are the ones caught in the shrouds of death. When caught in one, the shroud is slick, slowly creeping up on its victim more efficiently then the sniper who could pick them off from a mile away. Quicker then a striking cobra a solid dark mass suddenly forms and rushes its victims. Those caught stare in fear at the darkness coming to overwhelm them. Within seconds the mass is upon the victim. Millions of tiny needles strike having the effect of sandpaper being rubbed harshly against bare skin. Sudden waves of blackness blind the eyes, clog the nose and quickly fill the lungs suffocating the victim killing them in minutes and bury them in a lonely, vast grave. Few react quick enough to survive. Those who attempt to, cover their faces to breathe and brace themselves against the winds. Little to late do they realize how quickly the sand has buried them and with pressure greater then that of a giant Amazon Python it crushes them, every breath they take allows death to apply a bit more pressure. As their chest is covered, if you were able to view a victims face, you would witness the sudden terror as their eyes seem to unnaturally widen. If you could hear their thoughts you would hear their sudden agony as the realization suddenly dawns on them that they will never hold their loved ones again or see the smile of their children. You would feel the sudden sadness and emptiness they experience so heavy, it would feel as if someone tore your heart out while you were alive and then dropped a four ton weight on it crushing it. One last breath is drawn in and the victim attempts to scream yet no sound comes out. Only the sound of breaking ribs can be heard. Shards of bone pierce the lungs collapsing them instantly and then the heart is struck. A small gurgle is heard as internal bleeding quickly overwhelms the victim, their shirt falls from their face and a look of agony and terror is the way their expression will remain until all the skin has decomposed. Darkness quickly floods into the new openings in the face and the victim is quickly silenced. As suddenly as it began the terror is over and the shroud dissipates sounding like laughter slowly fading, death once more satisfied with his catch leaving behind him a vast, barren graveyard. (Should I keep going?)
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:47:43 +0000

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