EASY BELIEVEISM. JUST SAY A LITTLE PRAYER: NO CHANGE REQUIRED. Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. When Paul wrote this verse to the Church in Rome, he certainly wasnt propagating a form of cheap grace-easy believeism like that of the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus...or the modern gospel that is taught today. Todays so-called gospel is a self made idol merely named Jesus Christ. You know, its like when someone names their pet after a famous person...this animal isnt REALLY the person...everyone knows that. And so it goes with todays cheap grace gospel. Its not REALLY the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its just named after Him. Todays Gospel, using the above verse, has cheapened and reduced the ACTUAL Gospel to down to 4 points and a poem, followed by a repeat after me ceremony with coffee and donuts to follow. This phrase believing in your heart has been severely misrepresented in the way it is taught today. No, this isnt a formula or a little prayer that one is merely to say so they can get saved, like a form of Hocus Pocus; then go and live like you always have. Today, it is taught, no change is necessary because you said the magic words. No forsaking of sin is required because you muttered the proper incantational words and God has accepted the spell to protect you from the satan-monster...so go and sin all you want. People are trusting in a little prayer, prayed years ago, but are completely okay with the fact that absolutely NO change has occurred in their lives. But yet they sincerely believe they have been Born Anew unto God...how could this be possible? How can such a supernaturally charged seismic shift occur, but offer no proof or outer fruit of its inner workings? But nevertheless, this is how its taught today: EXTRA, EXTRA Get your FREE Christ! NO change necessary. Receive the cure to the disease youre convinced you dont even have! Yes, salvation has been reduced to a formula and secret password by todays standards and methods of evangelism. Is this really what Paul had in mind when he penned his epistles? Well, Romans 10:9 is the verse that this whole ask Jesus into your heart teaching and practice supposedly originates from. But I sincerely doubt our 21st century Gospel of Churchianity and easy believeism had any root or grounding in what Paul or the early church practiced and believed. Romans 10:9 is simply an observation to mans natural reaction to Gods supernatural in-breathing : NOT a formula or incantation.If you believe in your heart...just what is it to believe in your heart? Its a belief that is so monumentally and catastrophically felt, realized and internalized within the very core of mans soul, that it causes a cosmic shift, through the Power of Christs Spirit to lead one unto believing in their heart. Whether He draws you first, or you draw near to Him, prompting His response, doesnt matter. Once a person is drawn TO or drawn BY God, something happens: Something otherworldly, divinely breathed and inspired, something so cataclysmically cosmic and intrinsically forceful (but gentle) begins to happen in your very nature and soul. Your darkness, formlessness and emptiness is infiltrated. Where darkness was once on the face of the deep: the Spirit of God now broods. A seismic shift perpetuates and God Himself begins to hover over the surface of the depth of your depravity. As if being in the pangs of labor itself, you all at once see SIN. A sense of consciousness and self awareness of your own SIN implodes in you, exposing the SIN that is grafted into your very nature. This new birth, this new element that has you travailing in labor, causes a Divine shift that explodes, permeates and spreads to the four corners of the fabric of your being. Every part of you; spirit, soul and body are touched. The very code of your DNA is seemingly altered...you are truly, a new creature. A new creation. A partaker of the Divine Nature. Behold, all things have become new. ...Christ has been formed in you. Now everything makes perfect sense. The things you once loved, you now hate. The things you once hated, you now love. The grass, the trees, all appear greener. The birds sound like a host of angels singing, welcoming you into heaven itself. The sky, the stars, the moon, the sun...things youve seen a thousand times before; all present themselves as if you are seeing them for the first time. Alas! I was blind, but now I see! I once was lost, but now Im found! Yes, everything makes perfect sense now...you no longer feel empty, dark and void. You feel light as air. Youre gloriously exposed. For the first time ever, your conscience is clean, your love for sin is subdued and destroyed. You. Are. Forgiven. For without being shown SIN, forgiveness would hold no meaning.You are convinced you HAD the disease; because you now experience the cure and its healing effects. Its beneath the smile of His countenance, that the very TERROR and FEAR of The Lord is laid upon you. His Holiness is comprehended in beauty and fear... What a beautiful paradox! And its here, at this undeniable death and sin slaying, life altering moment...that you confess with your mouth, before all men, that Jesus Christ is Lord. Something has happened very deep in your soul, heart and mind. This you cannot deny. This you can NEVER completely walk away from. THIS is your experience and ALL of the world MUST know! What is TRULY believed in the heart, will ultimately be confessed with the mouth. You believe, because you cant deny what has happened in you! You must share! An inner law is now written on your heart: Woe unto me if I dont preach the gospel! Its not even an option...and you happily and joyfully share it: regardless of outward circumstances, obstacles, trials, hardships, persecutions etc. The outward circumstances can never change what you have inwardly experienced. A soulical earthquake has inwardly occurred. The outer will emulate & give testimony and witness to its occurrence. Just like an earthquake in the natural, when the earth shifts; the surface will give witness, testimony and proof to the inward. So it is with the earthquake of the soul. God has shifted your soul...your outer being has no choice but to show the witness and testimony to the fact of what has inwardly occurred. THIS is Believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. OUTER giving proof of the INNER. (See the Book of Acts) The Sinners Prayer doesnt exist the way its taught today. But the sinners Salvation does. Its no formula, fundamental, teaching or doctrine. Its an experience. Its an absolute reality that is undeniable to the true recipient. I think of those poor souls who are repeating the words of their pastor, as they ashamedly, halfheartedly, raise their hand to receive salvation from their pew. Is this salvation? A bashful hand raised amongst other Christians in a half-hearted shameful fashion? (Its apparently embarrassing to be born again in a room full of Christians.) Is THIS the New Birth? A mere repeating of memorized words or a hand raised to half staff? (I see that hand) Then to be told no change is required? (which is just code for no actual salvation is necessary). You would have any choice in the matter if indeed you were truly saved! What have we done to the Gospel! This is what I mean by Cheap Grace. Its cheap because its a knock-off of the real thing. Its a counterfeit and imitation...but its being sold as the real thing. This is deception and lies to the greatest of degrees. And I find it ironic, how most modern evangelicals use the argument of Something cant come out of nothing when trying to disprove Evolution. (In which I agree) But they have no problem, when preaching their false salvation message to say NOTHING comes out of SOMETHING. Oh, I guess your sin and lawlessness arent infringed upon when youre trying to debunk evolutionary theory??? They have no problem telling Richard Dawkins that something can never come from nothing; while they preach a salvation that supposedly comes from something but produces nothing. If THEIR Big Bang is false...so is yours. What glaring hypocrisy and double standards. Makes me exceedingly sorrowful... This is why the Gospel has no power today. Because the vast majority of the folks who claim a salvation experience probably are false converts. (Dont shoot the messenger) And in seeing such flippancy, apathy and anti-conviction of reality in the lives of peoples friends and families, its no wonder folks give themselves over to doctrines of demons, atheism, apostasy and universalism. Could it be, the vast majority of atheists, agnostics and Universalists are mere products of this little Sinners Prayer? Are they ex-members of institutionalized Christianity who became false converts and victims of the just repeat after me-isms that are so rampant in the modern church? And if so, its no wonder they have turned their back on God and on sound teaching. For in seeing the lack of reality in what the preacher says IS reality, (in their own lives and others) they turn away and utterly dismiss Christianity as false, and God as a figment of our imagination. I think they may be onto something...because to some, I think it is all in their head. But even still, I pity these poor folks. Theyre being promised refuge from the coming flood...in an ark that doesnt exist. It was through false teaching and false conversions a lot of them abandon the Truth for a lie. Or in this case: They traded one lie for another. We need to examine ourselves, to see if we are in the faith. 2 Cor 13:5 And by doing so, we need to examine what we are teaching others by the way we live. We all need to examine our hands...perhaps the blood of many are on them? So dont be so quick to judge an atheist, agnostic or universalist next time you find yourself in opposition with one. For it very well may be, that we have contributed to their abandonment of sound teaching, the faith once delivered, or to their all out hatred of God and all things Holy. Even if you are not guilty of teaching false doctrines in the capacity of a pastor, teacher or otherwise; we are all capable of teaching false doctrines and false conversions by how we live and conduct ourselves in our everyday life. Lord be merciful to us all...
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 19:18:35 +0000

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