EDITORAL AGAIN WHITE GUYS HAD MADE WHITE GIRLS SHAKE THEIR HAIR IN THEIR FACE AND ARE AGAIN BEGGING THEM TO FORGIVE THEM - all other races are happy with their wifes and husbands - and are staying out of the whites line of fire - except obama who was elected of women and continue to support them in bullying situations with the fbi - and police - in gray trucks - north america - america - central south america - and mexico that was discovered of columbus and the offiicial race is called latinos - brown latinos- black latinos- white latinos---- and all are free to marry each other or just each other - live in any area - work in any job qualified for - be in political offices - the statue of liberty is the gift from france a brown country to always say america is made of browns also the un in the same city new york is the office of browns to advise the white house president - sports in gray trucks the purple truck is basket- baseball -football -soccer ect- all friendly with the green trucks of asia - south asia - formelly called africa - and central asia formelly called turkey and the country russia the sport is bowling and bowling stadiums as basketball stadiums are being built - the race is brown and black in the red truck australia - greenland - new zealand - iceland the race white and the sport tennis ----- all of europe is tourist countries -spain - italy - france -england - greece - dutch countries ---i paula is happy to attend the saviors day confrence of frakhan in february in detroit and my brother tim getting a 5 million dollar loan to open a resale clothing store and will help vincent with his wife rita son rashard get a loan to open his food business when he is older and trained -- vincent now learning in a restrurant kristin coming to visit me and vincent in march from afganistan and to meet julian a wells fargo banker - ronald in houston a police officer as larry s wife - we are happy to be free of white guys goals of using our family to give them girls to praise their bodies as god - jewel and ronda supporting also - with their children the goals of the gray truck
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 00:12:31 +0000

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