EK VAL GLAD NIE VIR DIE EEN NIE - TATTA FACEBOOK Menlo Park, CA — At a press conference this morning, Facebook rolled out their new fee structure for those that use the social media website while intoxicated. Beginning January 1st of next year, Facebook says it will start implementing fines ranging from $20 all the way upwards of $1,000 for repeat offenders. The social media giant says the move is to keep inappropriate content off the site and maintain a family-friendly oriented place for individuals to gather online. “We thought long and hard about this decision, but at the end of the day, we had no choice but to add these fees,” Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg told reporters. “If we don’t do something about all the inebriated postings on Facebook, we could face an unrecoverable financial burden and become obsolete.” “This is excellent news for Facebook stock holders,” says Wall Street analyst Dale Sackrider. “As of August this year, Facebook had a total of 1.317 billion users. If just 10% of those members pay the new fees associated with belligerent postings on Facebook, that will mean an annual influx of cash totaling roughly $100 billion. That’s not just an increase in profits of a few dollars, that’s a game changer right there.” In an interview with CNN, an unnamed Facebook spokesman explained the reason for the fines and how they are accessed. “Economic times are tight, the ads on Facebook are not as profitable as we had planned. Our costs are going up as hundreds of thousands of individuals continue to join the site every day,” he said. “There’s so many new features, and all of those costs add up, we just can’t foot the bill any longer. Bottom line is, if you post on Facebook while intoxicated, you will pay a penalty for that.” he continued, “When citing someone a fine for drunk posting, we are basing that decision off information gathered from the user’s group of friends and families. If they notice unusual behavior and posting they will have the ability to notify Facebook administrators that the user is possibly intoxicated. Our staff will then look into the issue and if it is determined this information to be accurate, a fine will be accessed.” A Message Users Receive Who Post On Facebook While Intoxicated:
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:41:27 +0000

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