ENMITY DOCUMENTARY EPISODE 1: AN OVERVIEW – BATTLE LINES Episode One of our new documentary, the Enmity Series is beginning to take shape. In the first episode, we introduce the concept of the war between good and evil -- a foundational concept that will run through each episode as a unifying thread -- and we examine this enmity right at its point of origin. Without enmity, we, and this world, would have already been extinguished. But with enmity, a natural tension results between good and evil and this enmity has expanded further into a declaration of war. The idea of enmity is first introduced in Genesis in the setting of the Garden of Eden shortly after the creation of the world. However, the Bible tells us the enmity didnt have its start there but began even before planet Earth was created. In the first episode, we peek into heaven to examine what really happened there when Lucifer rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. Read more at: enmitydocumentary/episode-1-overview/
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 17:25:52 +0000

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