ESOTERIC AMERICA Few people understand the degree to which secret - TopicsExpress


ESOTERIC AMERICA Few people understand the degree to which secret societies like the Masons wield power and control behind the scenes in our world. From its earliest days, the United States served as an arena for the revolutions in alternative spirituality which eventually swept the globe. Modern esoteric philosophies and personas—from Freemasonry to Spiritualism, from Madame H. P. Blavatsky to Edgar Cayce—dramatically altered our nation’s culture, politics, and religion. Yet the mystical roots of our national identity are often ignored or overlooked. Sir Francis Drake claimed many of the lands which subsequently became the USA and Canada for the Crown of England, including the West Coast, Pacific Northwest, the entire East Coast, as well as the mysterious Oak Island in Nova Scotia where the Knights Templar, Prince Henry Sinclair, or Sir Francis Drake may have buried treasures or other artifacts. Rumors of Inca gold plundered by Spanish galleons and later pirated by Sir Francis Drake persist to this day on the tiny Oak Island off the coast of Nova Scotia. Tales of hidden treasures across the region spur many adventurers seeking out the lost “Money Pit.” A few decades after Drake, Sir Francis Bacon is said to have viewed the “virgin land” of the newly discovered continent as the perfect place to practice his mystical philosophy. His work The New Atlantis, published a short time before his death in 1626, was a utopian vision of a benevolent kingdom. According to many scholars of the subject, Bacon planned to implement his ideas in North America. In 1606 he drafted the charter of the Virginia Company, which later oversaw the Jamestown settlement on the east coast and the development of the Virginia lands. Thus Bacon personally had a very big hand in the first permanent and successful white settlement in the north of the new continent, one from which the nation of the United States eventually grew. Many historians contend that Bacon and other influential Elizabethan figures of his younger years, like Drake, Walter Raleigh and John Dee, all belonged to that secret order and sought to perpetuate their ancient tradition on the new “unoccupied” continent. The order is said to have been “Rosicrucian,” in the nature of its symbolism and mystical beliefs. This is of course a very interesting connection for Grail seekers, because the founder of the modern Rosicrucian Order in medieval times is said to have been Jean De Gisors, also believed by some to be the founder of the now famous Priory of Sion, the “guardians of the Grail.” The voluminous research conducted on this topic leaves little doubt that “some kind” of an esoteric doctrine is very likely to have lain at the foundation of the British Colonies which became the United States. In addition to the Baconian philosophy and similar doctrinal evidence, this theory also finds a great deal of support in the incredible wealth of Masonic and otherwise esoteric symbolism present in the architecture of Washington D.C. and other important locations.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 01:51:36 +0000

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