ETHNIC COMPOSITION OF POLICE IN BIHAR. Before it i have already written on UP and Delhi.Today it is the turn of Bihar. We hardly try to understand the importance of language in our lives.But the reality is it has immense value in the making or marring career of a person and the community.In 1881 Persian script was banned in official work of the government by the British Government in India and Hindi was introduced. It affected Kayasthas and Muslims. Their recruitment into administration showed downtrend as they were not rich in Hindi language. See Language Conflict and National Development by Joytirindira Das gupta, University of California Press, page 102,103. The unfortunate partition and came as specter and transformed cultural and political landscape of this once peaceful country. millions of Muslim millions of Muslim migrated to pakistan. An environment of hostility gripped the community so much so that even police officer did not escape from the harassment.See A Nationalist Muslim and India Politics by V N Dutta and BE Cleghorn, Macmillan ,Delhi 1974. Presently is estimated that Muslims represent just 2% of the Bihar state police whereas population is around 17%. See Steve I Wilkinson Votes and Violence.OUP, however it has been contested by Bihar DGP in jan 2003 who roughly estimated the Muslims to be 10 to 12% of Police force.Special minority recruitment drive was taken, as reported by press in August 2004, in implementation of 15 point programme of the PM.BUT PATNA HIGH COURT RULED AGAINST APPOINT OF URDU SPEAKING SUB-INSPECTORS IN OCTOBER 2004.In 2002, there were 8 out of 158 IPS in Bihar according to official website( of the National Police Academy. LESSON TO LEARN AND REMEDIAL ACTION. Bihar is having one of the largest Muslim population in India.But the literacy level is very low compare to other communities and even SC community. Multi-pronged approach needs to adopted by us given the present grim condition and dark future.Recently there is upsurge in Muslim community for education as guardians working in middle east have improved their economic status.But they are giving more emphasis on technical education with the aim to bring them in the Middle East which is not a prudent decision as the Middle East is politically transforming resulting into less opportunity in future for the outsiders. Mentor your child in a better educational institution and inspire them to compete and work in India. Muslims need be part of Policy Decision making by qualifying the UPSC Exams.we are left unrepresented in the policy making process as a result our development is affected. We do not get developmental programmes like schools, sanitation, hospital for our locality and community resulting into our marginalization. EDUCATION IS THE PANACEA OF ALL PROBLEMS. Armed yourself with diversified quality knowledge, debate with the people,quote the constitution etc. Those who want to debate, contest and suggest are cordially invited.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 12:08:49 +0000

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