EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY HAS A RELATIONSHIP TO THE FATHER....JUST AS YOU DO. Your relationships with your fellow man become smooth--ironed out, if you will--as you open up to your relationship with the Father and are not defended against it in any way, because it is only in the Father that you can find your unity and therefore your harmony with your fellow man. Relationships are not to be worked out between human beings, but in the discovery that the only relationship there is is between the Individuality and his Source--meaning the Father--and in allowing for the experience of that relationship, finding that the dissonance in personal relationships has dissolved because one is not approaching relationships through space, from body to body. Likewise, the harmony of the body, the health of the body, is not the result of cooperation between parts of the body, but is the inevitable manifestation of the fact that every cell,tissue, atom, has its relationship with the Father. Because it expresses the unity of the Father, when viewed in a larger aspect--embracing the whole body--it appears that there is harmony and therefore cooperation. But the fact is that the harmony is there because there is no relationship between the parts of the body. The parts of the body, individually, have their relationship with their Source and can do nothing other than be the Meaning of the expression of that Source, which,because the Father is One and indivisible, constitutes a recognizable integrity of the Whole in form. QUESTION: Can you tell me about what I would characterize as the error or misperception underneath these individual symptoms Im experiencing? For example, what youre saying is that the right hand is not connected to the closed heart, but that the right hand has an independent relationship to God. What is it that I am projecting, then, that is causing the organization within that hand to be inharmonious? ANSWER: It is not so much a matter of what you are projecting as it is what you are withholding. And what you are withholding is the acknowledgment of God right there where that hand is. It is a withholding of appreciation, of love. Now, the result of withholding that causes you to be in a state of fear, which you then attach to the hand or the part of the body that seems not to be functioning correctly, and that develops into distrust of that part of the body, and creates great agony emotionally and intellectually. But the reason for it is that there has been a withholding of the acknowledgment of the presence of God, and Gods Purpose, right there in the hand, or the part of the body reporting distress. The necessity is to embrace the body with love, to acknowledge its divinity, and in that acknowledgment be the absence of fear, doubt, distrust, and even hate of the body. Thus, the bodys divine intent to identify the presence of your Individuality perfectly, has the opportunity to register with you, and with anyone else looking at you, as a healed body. It is not that you project hate and fear and doubt and distrust upon your body and create the illusion of disease. Projection has nothing to do with it. Those experiences, or emotional reactions are simply what is left when you have withdrawn identification of your body, or your world, or yourself, from the Father, and hold it, or yourself, to be separate and apart and different from the Father. Now you are beginning to grasp the great necessity of not identifying the body as illusion. The dissonance of the body is illusion. That it can seem to be capable of dying is an illusion. And since those two factors seem to dominate human thought about the body, all other perceptions of the body, are or tend to be, invalid, and therefore illusory. But, you must bring, as the Bible says, every member of the body into subjection to Christ. And that does not constitute the annihilation of the body, but its exaltation, perceptually speaking into the experience of its perfection. ~excerpt from Raj/Jesus Newsletters 1988 Conducted by the Northwest Foundation for ACIM nwffacim.wordpress
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 19:13:52 +0000

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