EXCLUSIVE: PAUL MPHWIYO SECURES ASYLUM IN SOUTH AFRICA, ABORTS MAURITIUS MOVE Fugitive former Malawi Government Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo has been granted asylum by the South African authorities, we can confidently reveal. With full blessings from outgoing President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda, Mphwiyo bolted from the country about a month ago and flew to South Africa en route to Mauritius. According to plans between Mphwiyo and Mrs Banda, he was to stay in Mauritius only to return if the Mrs Joyce Banda wins the May 20th General Elections. Outgoing President Banda has some property in Mauritius where according to investigations Mphwiyo was going to use as a home. As a safety key in case of an electoral loss, Mphwiyo took a step further to ensure his safety either way by lodging asylum status application. It now appears that those plans to proceed to Mauritius have changed and today, Wednesday, he was granted asylum by the South African government. Using the Cashgate money that he has been keeping, Mphwiyo hired one of the best attorneys in South Africa who put up a very good case for asylum. The authorities have since granted him his request under the South African and International Laws on refugees safety. In his application, the lawyer argued his client was afraid to return back Malawi his home country citing persecution as his main fear. Persecution is a basic principle of refugee law, and non-refoulement laws which refers to the obligation of States not to refoule, or return, a refugee to “the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.” The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 33(1). Non-refoulement is universally acknowledged as a human right. It is expressly stated in human rights treaties such as Article 3 of the Convention against Torture and Article 22(8) of the American Convention on Human Rights. As the situation stands, Paul Mphwiyo will no longer be tried or asked by the Malawi government to answer any charges on Malawian soil. Paul Mphwiyo was the errand boy of outgoing President Joyce Banda who was cashing millions of government and donor money before delivering the same to State House. Outgoing President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda jealously protects him from any arrest and prosecution. Achoke! Achoke! Achoke!!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 21:03:46 +0000

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