**EXTREMELY IMPORTANT POST FROM MY HEART, PLEASE READ** I just figured it out... Why I want to delete & disconnect from Facebook recently, and I just might because of this. There is something that is a huge part of my life, its something incredibly positive & helps me and millions of others but many people know nothing about it other than **false** data theyve read in a articles in a plethora tabloids and Internet trolls blogs. The rumors and stories, like all rumors and tabloid stories are NOT true they simply sell more tabloids or help the angry Internet troll feel happy that hes ruined someone elses positive [anything], that aside... THIS IS MY ISSUE: How can you say you love me and who I am, and validate my puppy pictures, and work successes, and my success in life SO strongly, yet completely invalidate ME so strongly by outwardly and so obviously not validating another part of me that youre not even willing to investigate for yourself? Did you catch that? At least be willing to find out for yourself what the truth is. Go to the source and find out for yourself! Clearly if I, someone you supposedly respect has something to do with it, it cant be evil or crazy or Id have to be evil or crazy, or stupid... And I sure as hell am not stupid. Especially when its the part of my life that I attribute to my success with all of these areas of my life? You dont get good fruit from a bad tree! All youve seen from this first hand is good fruit. Think on that. How can you say you respect me, yet invalidate one of the most important parts of me? You CANT! Its invalidating of ME and I refuse to be made less of, ANY part of me!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:55:19 +0000

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