Each and every one of you needs to read this. Sent to us by - TopicsExpress


Each and every one of you needs to read this. Sent to us by follower, Christopher Pullen. His words are honest, raw, and real. Thank you, Officer Pullen for sharing your personal thoughts and feelings. We thank you for your service. Stay safe. ______________________________________________________ Hello, I am a New Jersey Police officer originally from Rochester and my older brother is a Monroe County Sheriff. Unfortunately, I was unable to get home for Daryls funeral as I was working, however I was able to watch the services live stream in between calls and had the privilege to see the service in its entirety in YouTube. I have been to way too many officers funerals and know the pain and loss all officers feel when this occurs. Know the officer personally or not, it is a true family because the oath we all take and the dangers we all face on a daily basis. I want to first thank the founder if this page for your continued support and dedication to not only the Pierson family, the RPD, and the entire LE community but for helping people heal, vent and come together. Second, to the members of this page and the Rochester community, THANK YOU! I am so proud to say that I was raised there and spent 20 years of my life around a community that knows how to come together. I know All of your actions thoughts and prayers were felt throughout the entire week since the tragic loss of Daryl by so many. I was amazed to see the outpouring of support not only to the local community, but also to officers coming from out of town as I read many of you opened your homes, businesses, and hearts to strangers. Seeing your pictures of the exteriors of your homes lit in Blue, ribbons and young sports teams honoring Daryl and our profession was extremely touching and needed to be recognized. It will take a lifetime for some to heal from this tragic event and some never will be the same. I can assure you your needed support to the Pierson family, the entire Law Enforcement community and first responders will be needed. I only ask that as time passes and the event is not fresh in your minds, to continue your support of the same groups you are now pouring your hearts, thoughts and prayers out to. Understanding that everyday, every traffic stop and every call could be the last time these officers, firefighters and EMS personnel have the opportunity to kiss their families goodbye protecting the community. Also, we all should learn to live life to the fullest and appreciate the loved ones in your life because you just never know. Life is precious, and we in the LE community WILL continue to lay down our lives for others. I also ask that if you have not already, you join the Officer Down Memorial Page on Facebook (ODMP). This page is dedicated to celebrating the lives of Heroes who pay the ultimate sacrifice. I know this touched all of your lives in some way and we all owe it to Daryl for his sacrifice to the Rochester community. This page updates the loss of officers around our country and will be an eye opener for some because you rarely see officers who pay the ultimate sacrifice unless it is in your community. This will allow you to pray and honor those officers as well when their families, departments and communities need the support as well. Unfortunately, the majority of news regarding Police is negative. I also ask all of you to realize there is always TWO sides of a story and unfortunately rarely is the Blue side told. Sorry this is so long but I wanted to say thank you on behalf of all of the Blue Family
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:33:38 +0000

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