Earlier at the train, I got into a mixed car than the usual ladies - TopicsExpress


Earlier at the train, I got into a mixed car than the usual ladies only car. Then, I saw a man carrying a bunch of stuff(four baggages or so) and his little girl so I stood up and approached him to tell him my seat is vacant. When I turned around to tell him where it was, I saw a woman already occupying te spot I had purposely vacanted for the man. The man saw the woman who occupied my spot and just smiled at me. Its okay, anak. Im used to carrying many things. I smiled back at him asked him where his stop was(Roosevelt, the last stop.) and approached the woman who was typing a text message with her earphones on. Note: We were at EDSA that time. Excuse me, ate. I vacanted that seat for that man. I said politely. She kept typing. A bit ticked off, I patted her shoulder and repeated what I had said. Still ignored, I kept patting her shoulder. Ano ba?! Youre so annoying! Uhh what? Shes the one ignoring me! What do you need?! Miss, I vacanted that seat for that man. Huh? Shouldnt it be the other way around? The man vacanting a seat for a woman? Besides, didnt he say he can handle i? Wth so she CAN her me! I sighed to keep my temper at pace. Hes obviously having a harder time with those baggages than you with your itty bitty shoulder bag. Whatever. First come first serve. Ive had a bad day so dont come ticking me off, Ms. Gentleman. I realized people began staring and controlled my temper so I dont do anything reckless as to keep me from graduating. Ate, Im pretty sure there are a whole lot of other people here who had a bad day. But the point here is, Im politely asking you to please vacant that seat for the man over there. Rights and concerns arent just based on ladies first, first come first serve, or whoever had a bad day can sit without a care about the people having a hard time. Oh I see. Youre lesbian so youre acting all gentlemanly. I can tell youre lesbian because you cant even fix yourself. I ticked off. Anyways, I aint standing on my 4 inch heels till I get to Monumento so just be a gentleman and mind your own life. Ate! I dont see your point! I just want to give this good man a seat and you beeyotch(bad words are forbidden xD) around to it! Is that what they teach you in school, little girl? Sumagot sa nakakatanda? No but they teach us to fight for those who cant! She finally learned to shut up. People began whispering. Sigh. How inconsiderate of me. If you want to sit so badly that youre leaving this man whose stop is Roosevelt without a secured seat, go ahead. I turned around, smiled to the man who was surprised at what I just did, and moved to the other car. Soon, people applauded and I saw the woman vacanted the spot and apologized to the man. Then, she glared at me like Im the bad one. I just smiled at her. I dunno if I should be proud oe guilty or what... I feel so wrong after that... T.T just sharing... I made it English so everyone can share their opinions about my epic recklessness hahaha!!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 09:02:15 +0000

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