Easter Eve 2013 Message “This is such a beautiful time, from - TopicsExpress


Easter Eve 2013 Message “This is such a beautiful time, from this land, for this land, for the people, by the people. It is the heart and the glory in the minds of so many. You have all come here together tonight, to stand in unison, to stand up - in the rise - in the resurrection of Love and Compassion. It is you, you are doing it, you are making it, you are here, you are now. Now is it. Now is where it shall be and now is where it will be. For the time is now. It is so surmountable. I wish you could see what I see across the plains across the planet the Divinity that’s rising in everybody. The red rose that is handed to each and every one of us as we walk forward. The rose is the resurrection you see. She has been the keeper of the Love and Compassion for ALL these years. It got so lost along the way, and Mother Nature kept it close. She was a guardian of this beautiful being, for it was a being, you see. The energies of Love and Compassion marry together into one beautiful being. Into one beautiful rose - just as you all are. And fear not if your rose petal has a black mark. Because in that there is your beauty too. Fear not that you don’t have patience to feel this rise, for it WILL come anyway dear ones. We have come to you to ask for a blessing of sorts. We want you to bless each other with Love and Compassion on your journeys. We want you to bless you - yourself as well. We feel this time is of the utmost importance. To wrap yourself in the Divine Love that is so rightly yours - so rightly ours - and so rightly theirs. For it is this Divine Love that you all know will not only heal the planet, but the hearts and minds of humankind. For they are so broken inside. So broken as they walk across this land with various pains, injuries, mysteries, traumas. The rise of Love and Compassion will release all souls from their Karma. There will be no more Karma for humankind. There will be dignity and respect in the purest form ever known. Your souls have been so tired from carrying your Karma forward. Time after time, beyond time, through time and in time. This Karma does not serve a purpose anymore because times have shifted, things have shifted. Things are anew, things are bright. Things are stronger. Things are glowing. Things are happier. It is so Divine to see these white sparks across the land. (I see the land pulled by two horses and a chariot.) For I am so proud of all of you. The ones who have come - stood before me - and the ones who have not. For they each too are on their own individual journeys. With their own individual traumas, and their old injuries and afflictions. So the Beings of Light and I request you to rise in your hearts, stand strong in your Love and Compassion - not only for self, but for others. The self being the key though. The self being the key to the salvation, in a way. The self being the key of the fruits of your labour. This key has been hidden from you for so long. And it is time for it to be returned. There has been an atrocity that it was taken in first place. But is a gift from the Heavens that is now back. I see your Guardian Angels and Beings await you, to be in service to you, and through you for others, now you have been given this suggestion or request, we would suggest you invite your Guides and Angels to assist you as you walk forward on your journey to spread the Love across the planet. Little sprinkles here and there. It does not have to be much. For it is the unison that is strong. It is the standing tall, standing together, holding hands. That is where the beauty lies. We are in a very gentle fragile state. The Earth is at its tipping point. We have been holding her, but we don’t know for how much longer we can do it. We see this in storms and landslides, and species dying. This is why we have these messages coming through now to initiate change. The animals need you. The creatures need you. The people need you. The plants need you. The rocks need you. So we invite you to come and play - to sing your happy song with the vibration of trust. For the vibration of trust is quite large. You can trust us on this side to bring to you what you need in your hour of need and when not in your hour of need. We will show up, be present and support the change you are making, because you are making it. So we gather here today, to give each of you a chalice. A cup, if you will. It is a cup full of PURE Divine Essence. And as your cup is filled, I invite you to hold it with two hands. Breathe into the cup. Bring the cup closer to your face. Feel the glow and the energy from within that cup. Feel that white Light from within that cup, surround you, weave around you like ribbons of Light. And it doesn’t stop. There’s an infinite source - there’s an infinite outpouring for YOU and for ALL. Please remember this. It is SO important in our teaching. It definitely gets forgotten over time. But the abundance is there. Their is no need to worry or to be frugal really. If you ask it, it will come. (In a whisper) The secret is to asking. So, I ask you one more question in this, if this is ok? How do you feel about the resurrection in your heart? How does it speak to you? What is it teaching you? How do you wake up every day and walk forward with this piece/peace just tenderly nestled right here (in the heart). As we said, it does not take much. For the essence will carry itself you see. But you are the carriers of the essence, so you are a very important part of all of this. Your Divinity is so extraordinary. Your tenderness is so moving with each other. It beholds us to see you and feel you in this way, from where we are. I offer to you, each one, a red rose. Because you delight my soul and tickle my senses. I am so fond of all of you, my children. Go forth and be One together. In the celebration, in this union of Love. Go forth tomorrow and celebrate Love and Compassion, and as it rises, it is such a special time. We see and feel so strongly about sharing Compassion with others. But first you must practice on yourself you see. Because we cannot teach what we don’t practice. And so the essence is in the practice. The practice of self-Love, the practice of self-Compassion, the practice of self-Harmony.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:14:39 +0000

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