Eastern Province Councillor and Ex-MP “Pottuvil” M. Abdul - TopicsExpress


Eastern Province Councillor and Ex-MP “Pottuvil” M. Abdul Majeed Resigns from Muslim Congress Protesting Party Leadership’s Inaction. Posted by Administrator on 14 July 2014, 5:06 pm (Following is the full text of letter submitted by former SSP,MP and Current Provincial Council member “Pottuvil”M.Abdul Majeed from his membership and from the deputy chairmanship of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress protesting the party leadership’s inaction over recent incidents afflicting the Muslim community in Sri Lanka) It is after a deep thought and with great pain of mind, I came to the decision of resigning my membership and Deputy Chairmanship of the SLMC as this party has now become deceptive, changing colors and policies merely to safeguard the positions of those in position and to provide safety, security to its political leadership and not to protect the Muslim community who brought them into the position, they enjoy today under this government. I had no intention of quitting this party, until the recent events which unfolded on the Muslims of Sri Lanka in general and especially to our dear brothers and sisters of Dharga Town, Beruwela, Welipanna and Panadura. The basic intention of forming the SLMC was to voice against injustices and to combat for the Muslim rights. If so, where was our protest and sacrifice? unlike our Tamil brotheren. We believe that the formation of this Muslim party was based constitutionally on Holy Quran and Hadiths. If so, shouldn’t we ask ourselves whether we have justified the noble cause for which this party was formed and stood for, under the present leadership of SLMC? It all started with the demolition of Anuradhapura Ziyaaram, Halal certificate issue and thereafter the Dambulla mosque issue, followed by many other incidents involving Muslim worship. We, as a leading Muslim political party failed to lodge an official complaint with the Police either in Anuradhapura, Dambulla or at Police Head Quarters against the unruly actions of the unlawful assembly led by the BBS. We, whilst portraying as a Muslim party did nothing official to bring culprits to book. Instead SLMC focused only in maintaining its position stable, in the government for material gains of their own and not to guard the Muslim rights. The SLMC as a political party with an ethnic identity were only reacting to situations as and when incidents developed against the Muslims in our country. There was no positive or concrete action taken so far as deterrent by the SLMC or the Minister of Justice against the humiliating activities of the BBS, though being a coalition partner in today’s ruling government. If the Muslims are satisfied with the action taken so far by the SLMC leadership and this government against the ongoing problems of the Muslims, then of course the Muslims at large shall decide the future of this party in Sri Lanka. Some important politicians from this party including the founder Leader’s wife gained positions, prominence and promotions using the Muslim label deserted this party and joined permanently with the ruling government party putting perks before community. Pottuvil being my birth place and a Muslim majority village has had enough of harassments, commencing from the grease man episode to date. This village is surrounded with numerous problems and the villagers are stranded not knowing what to do and where to go. No relief was given to the wife and children of a Pradeshiya Sabha candidate of the party who was shot dead by the Army two years ago. I feel ashamed to call myself an organizer of this party in Pottuvil, not being able to secure a single job to any of the villagers so far, in spite of the party leadership being the Justice Minister in this government. It is time that the leadership of the SLMC realized that, though the knife he possesses is made of gold, he will, dare not, stab himself on his stomach. Enjoying a few Ministerial portfolios in this government does not mean that the Muslim community is contended and relishing in happiness in our country today. The continued erosion and loss of confidence in the leadership and party has made me to conclude continuing with this party any longer. The purpose for which, my joining this party is now lost. I do not want to remain in this party under this leadership. In view of the above and being an Ex. Policeman, MP, MPC, hailing from Pottuvil in Ampara district, always concerned in the welfare of the community, wish to tender my resignation from the SLMC from today 05.07.2014 in protest against insufficient emotion and devotion by the SLMC during this hazardous situation for the Muslims of Sri Lanka. Thanking you, N.B: Please convey the contents of this letter and my regrets to all High Command Members of the SLMC. Filed under Guest blogger | Permalink Post navigation« “STF and Police Provided Protection to Mobs and not to Innocent People Whose Houses were Torched”-UNP Kalutara Dist MP Palitha Thewarapperuma.Fate of 153 Sri Lankan Asylum Seekers in Limbo as Australia Keeps Vessel Carrying them at Mid Sea to Bolster Claim of “No Boats Arrived” »
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:39:54 +0000

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