Easy tips for easy weight loss Plan your meals and snacks, next - TopicsExpress


Easy tips for easy weight loss Plan your meals and snacks, next write out your shopping list. Time consuming? Absolutely! But in the long term this will pay dividends because you won’t have the temptation to throw extra foods like sweets and choccie into the trolley. Even better if you order your shopping online because you will completely remove the cravings that pottering down the sweet or crisp aisle might bring. Stock up on simple staples Keep healthy staples like wholegrain crackers, canned veggie soup, frozen vegetables, dried fruit, beans, spaghetti hoops, rice cakes, yoghurts, low fat cheese and houmous in your cupboards and fridge. After a tough day at the office the last thing you will want to do is prepare a big meal, so have emergency supplies on hand that are healthy, but easy to prepare and cook. Read serving sizes Get your servings right and you will lose pounds in weeks. On average we all overeat things like pasta, rice, meat, cereal and cheese. As we consume these types of foods every day it’s easy to see how the pounds can notch up over time. Start following the serving size recommendations on the back of packets and you could cut 100’s of calories every day. Switch to low fat Low fat dairy scrimps on nothing but the fat and calories, so always choose skimmed milk, low fat spreads and cheeses. And the good news is that people who eat 3 portions of low fat dairy every day tend to be slimmer than people who don’t reach this recommendation. Keep a little black book Alas this isn’t for all the admirers you will attract on your diet, but instead to remind you of exactly how much food you are eating over the course of the day. The simple act of scribbling down what you eat will have you trimming calories fast. Ban the fry Swear off all fried foods for the next couple of months. Bake, grill or boil. If you do fancy a fish and chip have some oven chips and grill a fish fillet. Your arteries and waistline will thank you for this positive change. Drink water Drink water and lots of it! Water will keep your skin clear and it also fills you up helping to quench those hunger pangs. Do not skip meals Leaving long gaps between meals can interfere with your weight loss. You may suffer from blood sugar dips and a sluggish metabolism. Skipping meals will cause you to behave like a starved bear when you finally do get your hands on something to eat. Stick with 5 small meals per day! Reward yourself Believe it or not, but cravings don’t last long. Next time you start salivating at the thought of a mars bar promise to do something nice for yourself if you manage to resist. Make your reward something non-food related, like watching your favourite soap.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 09:34:49 +0000

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