Eat right for your type nothing more than hype? Progression is - TopicsExpress


Eat right for your type nothing more than hype? Progression is running at such a fast pace at the moment you hardly get chance to sit into one way of doing things and It all changes someones brought a new way of doing things or brand an old idea as a new idea! No wonder theres so much confusion in our industry. People are always looking for short cuts or think that the next new thing will help them reach their goals. Yes I agree its good to get tied into some structure so you dont lose momentum or motivation but it doesnt have to cost a fortune or be the next scientific way of doing things. Let me tell you old school for me is the easiest and least expensive of reaching your goals. 1. Learn about carbohydrates, proteins,fats, and fibre 2, learn about the timing and absorption rate of these foods. 3,Go to the Gym find someone who looks like you want to look, or is training the way you want to train. After he or she has finished their session ask them some open questions anyone worth their salt will help. Ask if they know a personal trainer who does this sort of training. 4, Book a session you dont have to book a ton of sessions a week and spend all your brass there either, but a good PT will save you money and time in the long run. Get a good training routine from him or her they will also teach you good form and training techniques you should also get a good diet plan. Again trainers charging in excess of 30 upwards an hour dont bother there are tons of great PTs at less. Id do 1 session per week then 2 per week on your own each week do a different muscle group with the pt just to make sure your doing yours on your own correct. 5,Stay focused 6,Dont worry and start swapping and changing let time take its time 7,plan and make your food the night before. 8,smile this is suppose to be a hobby not a job! 9,dont take yourself to seriously 10,when you get big guns dont get a big head!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:50:45 +0000

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