(From Jach): It’s November. We moved past October, a time - TopicsExpress


(From Jach): It’s November. We moved past October, a time that was dangerous but it could have been even more dangerous; maybe not a “dark time” but certainly a cautious time. The elections in the US are over. Before this year concludes, it’s time to look forward as we enter the final phase of the year: Awakening New Dreams and Inspiring Boldness and Daring. I had listened to the “Rhythms and Patterns” recording for this phase. Not until now did it make so much sense. It seems to me that new dreams and boldness and daring can be critical during these two months. As Lazaris suggests, “Coming out of the third phase, this final phase is a time to demonstrate one’s strength and to reveal and to be on one’s mettle.” It’s time to own and reveal our strengths, and to demonstrate our ability to cope with difficulties in a resilient manner. He added that the unspoken theme of this phase will be self-discovery, and that will set the tone for 2015, the Year of Remembering. So what will be the prevailing energies during these two months? Lazaris suggests determination, commitment, vision, and resolve. To me, it’s important to remember that each of these energies has constricting expressions and expansive ones. As I think about the current states of affairs in the world out there, as I review the current election in the US, it is easier for me to see the constricting energies. Those are easier to imagine and easier to expect. Hum . . . So I see the value of demonstrating my strength and my ability to be resilient and spirited as I work with the expansive energies of determination commitment, vision, and to do so with resolve. I can make a map for me; I can flow that map into the world. Okay. I am ready for the final two months of this year. Lazaris made several suggestions for these two months. 1. Savoring: During the two One-Day workshops and in both England and Italy, Lazaris focused on savoring — on savoring our gratitude. It’s a small word but there are several steps that allow savoring to come alive and to be a significant component in our magic. During this phase, Lazaris suggests that we savor the prevailing energies. In the recording he outlines the specific steps of savoring: sharing; detailing; celebrating; reverie; opening; hoping; receiving. Perhaps it would be good to listen to “The Wonder of Gratitude.” It’s available for streaming or downloading. 2. Beauty: “Beauty is a demanding lover.” (Lazaris) I love that phrase. I remember it, and it’s true. I am currently in Colombia where I am always both confront and encounter such stunning beauty. It is demanding, and I am so willing to respond to the demands of beauty. Some of us worked with beauty during March and April. If we did, Lazaris suggests it’s time to return and to respond. If not during those months, these months would be a great time to work with beauty. Beauty is a demanding lover. Once it embraces us, it will never let you go. Beauty calls us to value and to honor our curiosity and to be open to, to be willing to be delighted by ecstasy. Wow. It asks us to awaken our personal enchantment with Nature and to open to the complexity of our lives. Beauty demands that we pursue our creativity and to pursue creative innovation in our lives and in our world. Responding to beauty’s demands involves valuing and honoring freedom — the freedom to be. The question arises: Are we willing to fall in love again? There’s a free download: “The Wonder of Beauty.” 3. Quotation: I love the November quotation. REACH OUT WITH LOVE . . . RICHEST WITH UNDERSTANDING. REACH OUT WITH THE LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING YOU HAVE FOR LIFE AND FOR THE WONDERS THAT LIFE CAN HOLD FOR YOU AND FOR YOUR WORLD. BE LOVING . . . BE UNDERSTANDING AND BE AT PEACE WITH EACH. AND BE AT PEACE WITH EACH OTHER. (Lazaris) Be at peace with love; be at peace with understanding. Be at peace with each other. This feels so timely and so profound. Reach out . . . awaken dreams, inspire boldness and daring. Reach out . . . reveal our strengths and demonstrate our ability to cope with spirited resolve — put on our mettle. There are three additional suggestions: Working with the December quotation is among them. I will wait until next month to work with that one. The other two suggestions are to work with Hope and with a technique Lazaris calls the “Fires of Gratitude.” During the second phase — also a two month phase — some of us worked with the “Fires of Frustration.” Now, the suggestion is to work with the Fires of Gratitude. 4. Hope: In either November or December, or both, focus on hope and its bounty. During this time, we can select and designate seven days in which we can reflect, contemplate, or savor hope. We can embrace hope, and we can gather the seeds of hope for ourselves and for the world. Wouldn’t that be a marvelous holiday gift? 5. Gratitude: During the second phase, the other two-month phase, Lazaris suggested working with the “Fires of Frustration.” Now he suggests working with the “Fires of Gratitude. On the “Rhythms and Patterns” recording he outlines the technique. In a sacred place we build a fire and ignite it with our imagination, our trust, and our love. Then, when the flames are high, powerful, and majestic, dance around the fire “with abandon.” Be wild, daring and bold. Then be still. Watch the bonfire of gratitude burn. In the stillness of the moment, four embers will come. One is for us. One is for someone special in our lives. Another is for the Earth and the final ember is for the world. We wild. Be bold. Be daring. 6. Quotation: During December, work with that quotation. YOU ARE IN THE UNCHARTED OF A WORLD BECOMING NEW. YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY MIRACLES WAITING TO UNFOLD. YOU ARE IN THE UNCHARTED OF YOURSELF DISCOVERING THE MORE OF YOU. . . . DON’T TAME THE STRANGENESS. SET YOUR IMAGINATION FREE TO ROAM, FREE TO SOAR, FREE TO BE MORE. DON’T TAE THE STRANGENESS. SET YOURSELF FREE TO BE MORE. (Lazaris) Set ourselves free to be more. We’ve heard Lazaris express this sentiment. We’ve felt the wonder and the magic of it. During December, it feels very right to remember, to ponder and savor, and to honor the meaning of this quotation. It feels very right to let our imaginations reveal what this quotation is really all about. What are you going to work with? I am definitely going to work with each of these: In November: the quotation of course, and with beauty and hope. In December: the Fires of Gratitude along with savoring and contemplating the prevailing energy and savoring and pondering the quotation. What about you? Much love, Jach
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 17:50:19 +0000

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