Ebonyi PDP boils By Muhammad Ajah Ebonyi state, as poor as - TopicsExpress


Ebonyi PDP boils By Muhammad Ajah Ebonyi state, as poor as it can be said to be, is a very sensitive integral part of Nigeria and a big contributor to the fate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in any general elections. The state can comfortably be described as the rest home for the party, being the only state of the Southeast geopolitical zone which has doggedly implemented to the fullest the PDP agenda since 1999. Other states of the zone have been overcome by APGA at one time or the other. Enugu has also witnessed political turbulence. But Ebonyi has been steadily a PDP stronghold. So, if it is true that against PDP guidelines and the determination of President Goodluck Jonathan to conduct an acceptable, probably the most credible in the history of Nigeria – the Ebonyi state governor, Chief Martin Elechi has unilaterally decided to endorsed a sole candidate, the Minister of Health Professor Onyebuchi Chuckwu for the PDP in Ebonyi 2015 gubernatorial election, fears are hovering that the state party is at crossroad. Already some stalwarts are decamping to other parties. And this development can never be the best for Ebonyi state. The best is to allow all aspirants to participate in the primaries. The dangerous aspect of it is the governor’s power play within his family circle, as against the dictates of the PDP national headquarters. The governor at a presumed stakeholders’ meeting in the Government House Abakaliki chose Professor Chukwu on alleged presidential order. Governor Elechi according to sources said the choice of Chukwu was in the spirit of rotation as approved by the party. The governor was reported to have said that zoning the governorship slot to the South was to compliment the immense contributions of late Dr. Akanu Ibiam in the state creation. Ibiam hails from Unwana Afikpo South Local Government Area of the state. Leaders of thoughts, youths and professional groups in the State have rejected the endorsement on the grounds that the decision was taken without knowledge, approval and consent of the youths, leaders of thought, stakeholders and members of the executive of the ruling party in the state. At a press briefing in Abuja, prominent Ebonyi PDP politicians including Dr. Jerry Uhuo, Mr. Ben Bright-Mpkuma, Mr. John Okpo and Mr. Chinedu Nwoye added, “It is beyond dissolute that under the constitution of the PDP, there is no provision for power rotation or consensus candidacy. The party believes in the enthronement of internal democracy. This gives vent to party democracy and affords party members the opportunity to choose their leaders and candidates for any election. Political parties that practice true democracy always maintain that the right of party members to choose their leaders should not be circumspect in any form or shape. The national leadership of the party should know that once there is a dissenting voice on any consensus arrangement, the party must organize primary. Allegations that have mounted up from this action of the governor are two. First is the illegality in adopting a sole candidate which is against the PDP constitution. The national publicity secretary of the party Olisa Metuh said in a statement: “Following the release of our detailed guidelines for congresses and primaries for the 2015 general elections, the National Working Committee (NWC) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) wishes to inform all aspirants for various positions on its platform that the closing date for the sale of party nomination forms is October 30, 2014. The party shall not condone any aberration or abuse of its internal electoral process. In the same vein, the NWC has noted the activities of some persons and groups supporting some aspirants for the 2015 general election at the state level. Whilst the party cannot stop individuals, groups or communities from endorsing persons of their choice, the national leadership wishes to restate in the strongest possible terms that elected party officials at the state, local government and ward levels must not be involved in such, as they must remain as unbiased umpires in the nomination process.” “For the avoidance of doubt, only the National Executive Committee (NEC), as an organ of the party can officially endorse a candidate under the PDP constitution. All party officials at all levels are expected to be guided by this,” This is a very clear statement on this critical issue of adoption of candidates and related matters Secondly, there is an argument that the governor and his ‘proprietor’ Chief Chinedu Ogar have overtly been twisting religious sentiments in Ebonyi politics, a trend that is very dangerous to even Mr. President’s interest at the national level. Nigeria is battling to overcome ethno-religious sentiments in all fields of their lives. Liberation of Nigerians at all levels of government should be based on who is the best for the job and not on what religion or tribe the person belongs. Many aspirants for the Ebonyi number one citizen under PDP have been making their campaigns and showcasing their ability to consolidate on the achievements of the incumbent governor. Take for instance the strong move and overwhelming supports from the Ebonyi people for an Afikpo-born-Ezza adopted son politician, Dr. Ogbonnia Ajah Ogwu who has shown that religion should not be the bane of development in the state. He has carried the whole segment of Ebonyi people in his campaign. No wonder the Catholic Church has been working seriously for the realization of his dream. Unlike many other politicians who only appear during elections, he has involved in the promotion of peace and unity, preaching of cultural ethics and values and fostering religious harmony among Ebonyians and Nigerians. He has made several donations for the execution of projects in the church and empowered many youths and women. No wonder members of diverse interests are backing the aspiration of Dr. Ajah. The Catholic Women Organization (CWO) of St. Raphael’s Catholic Church, Okoffia Owerike in Ezza South local government area of the state have been all praises for the philanthropist governorship hopeful. Baffled by the generosity of Dr. Ajah, the leader of CWO in the area, Mrs. Ukaria Igwe exclaimed, “What I have to say is that God will give you good health and more wealth in your endeavour to attain your desires and aspirations. You are a man with a fatherly heart”. In the same vein, Ebonyi Peoples’ Power Movement (EBPPM) and Ezzikwo Forum are pushing hard to succeed Governor Elechi with their choice candidate, Dr. Ajah Ogwu. Charles Otu of The People’s Conscience Newspapers reported in edition no.1 vol. 5, page 12 of 10th August, 2014 the calls of Ebonyi people on Dr. Ajah to present himself to the service of his people as the governor in 2015. Otu recalled the pleas from leaders of the Ebonyi central senatorial district such as Chief Onuoha Odaah, Mr. Augustine Ngwu as well as the leaderships of all Ezza National Youth Coalition (ENYC) and women groups, beckoning on Dr. Ajah for 2015 guber contest. From across Ebonyi South the voices of support from the leaderships of socio-cultural and political organizations are rising. Mr. Augustin Ekwe Aluu, Chief (Hon.) Ali Enya Aluu, Chief Ambrose Egwu, Mr. Ajaeze Chukwu, Chief Muhammad Obasi Chukwu, HRH. Eze R. O. Iyioku and a host of others agree that the Governorship of Dr. Ajah in Ebonyi State will be for the liberation, emancipation and empowerment of the masses as well as the consolidation and improvement on Governor Elechi’s legacies and infrastructures. With similar responses, they declared, “Our hearts are with you because you are one who seeks justice, fairness and progress for the people. We have seen you as a sincere and honest fellow who has acquired a wealth of experience over the years demonstrating righteousness and uprightness in the positions you had previously occupied unlike others who acquire wealth in office for their own selfish and not for the well being of the people.” “Simply, we want you not to hesitate to declare for the governorship of our dear Ebonyi state in 2015. All our messages are the same. And that is Ezza nation is with you and wherever you go, we shall go”. Leaders of Social Justice Advocacy Movement of Nigeria (SJAN) Mr. Kenneth Onuoha and Chief Francis Ekuma have assured Dr. Ajah of overwhelming victory in 2015 under the ruling party, PDP. “You have made enough sacrifices for the people of Ebonyi and the PDP and the best way to reward you is to give you the leadership of the state from 2015. You deserve it.” Chief Dr. Offia Nwali has also been in support of this movement to achieve total liberation of Ebonyi people. Also, prominent men and women from the Ebonyi South senatorial bloc have thrown their support behind Dr. Ajah Ogwu whose campaign train Ajah’s Governorship Actualization Movement (AGAM) has been inaugurated in all the 13 local government areas of the state. All the socio-political groups of Dr. Ajah recently formed the AGAM which has excelled in its campaign in selling the laudable leadership qualities and manifestoes of their candidate to the people of Ebonyi. Some of the prominent contenders are the Minister of Health Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu. He and his brother, Mr. Mike Chukwu are in the race. But the Health Minister till date has not resigned his appointment, thus throwing Ebonyians into confusion over his adoption saga by the governor. The chairman, Senate Committee on Police Affairs, Senator Paulinus Igwe Nwagu, has shown interest, saying he was going to answer the call of his people by contesting the governorship race. But he is believed by many Ebonyians even in his hometown to be a stingy politician who has stepped on many toes within and beyond his Ezza enclave since he rose from councillorship to the senate position, thus making more enemies more than friends in his zone. Added to this, he is not from Ebonyi South whose turn it is to produce the next governor. A former Commissioner for Finance and then for Public Utilities between 1999 and 2005 under former Governor Sam Omiyi Egwu, Senator Anthony Agbo from Ebonyi North says he has received a divine call from God to contest. But Senator Oti seems not to be comfortable with the zoning arrangement to cede power to the Ebonyi South senatorial zone, a stand that has been very inimical to the cordial and peaceful power sharing formula of the state as obtainable elsewhere. He insists that only God has the power to choose good leaders, “therefore, if Ebonyians decide that I am not the sent man, then it would be understood. 2015 should not be restricted to the south alone”. But he is rumoured to be closing ranks with the leadership of All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) as an alternative option if the PDP fails to favour his ambition. Also in the race is the current deputy governor, Engr. Dave Umahi who is from Ohaozara local government area in Ebonyi South. But he is accused by the PDP chieftains of showing extreme desperation, thus feigning loyalty to his boss and the party. Many of the party stalwarts have allegedly staged a slogan ’it-must-not-be-Umahi’ in their campaign against the deputy governor’s ambition. However, sources from the government house are tempted to allege that the governor is not comfortable to favour his deputy as his successor in 2015. Former deputy governor of the state, Professor Chigozie Ogbu has been nursing interest in the race. But he is said to be too aged and outdated in the political maneuvers of the state, thus would be unable to mobilize enough support to actualize his bid. Even Engr. Paul Okereke Okorie who served in former governor Egwu’s administration has been sharpening his eyes for the governorship position. But he was unceremoniously ousted out from government by Governor Elechi. Bar. Timothy Odaah who has served in Elechi-led government as Commissioner for Culture and Tourism and then Finance and Economic Development has interest too. Others are former Minister of Education under late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, Dr. Igwe Ajah Nwchukwu, Hon. Darlington Okereke, the Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice in Elechi’s administration in 2011, Dr. Ben Igwenyi, a former banker and businessman Prince Sam Agom Eze, a university don, Dr. James Nweke and former Commissioner for Commerce and Industry under Egwu’s regime, Hon. Ben Akpa, Senator Emmanuel Agboti, Chief Dave Nwachukwu, Chief Hyacinth Important and Senator Ogbuu Orji. However, it was rumoured that the governor had considered the option of accepting Dr. Ajah as his successor if not for the power play from within his family which has nearly put the ruling party of the state in disarray. The governor and his ambition to join the upper chambers of the National Assembly would largely depend on his rubbing minds with his Ezza people who have massively accepted Dr. Ajah to succeed him. But in the event that the governor insists on acting otherwise, protests and legal actions are likely to mount up in the state especially if he does not rescind the adoption of a sole candidate for his replacement come 2015. Ebonyi has worked hard to attract the recognition of the PDP at the national level and the governor should not waste that recognition by a simple miscalculation of running against the regulations of the party at this last hour of his leadership. Let Ebonyians decide and let the governor of the masses govern the state for good.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 13:54:06 +0000

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