Ecigs...what I think Before this hospital stay I accidentally - TopicsExpress


Ecigs...what I think Before this hospital stay I accidentally dropped into a chat room conversation about electronic cigarettes and the surrounding issues. After i cover my situation I will touch on this. Once i was diagnosed as being in a life threatening condition the hospital staff refused to let me even go to my truck for a clove. The hospital staff in its (I am being sincere here) realized that confinement for a smoker without smoking with issues unrelated to respiratory conditions has e-cigs which helps keep patients calm and probably ultimately prevents a myriad of incidents or temper flare ups as well as helping keep patients calm before surgery. In this sense something unhealthy could promote better health or higher survival rates for various reasons. This gave me the chance to try something I would otherwise not have. My reaction is based on the brand I was given: Icon vapor disposable. 1: Contrary to word floating around these are not smokeless. As a smoker I assure you the vapor seems to stick to your lungs just as much. If i can blow it out or puff it then it is smoke, and I think a term like local air environment contaminate free might be more appropriate. Why? I recently talked with a woman that said her daughter was considering ecig use to control her eating thinking it was a nicotine delivery system and not really smoke. Whether burned or vaporized smoke is still smoke. These products should only be used as a smoking option since they are still smoking products and do not negate oral fixation or lung contaminants. They do reduce the air pollution in a building or smoking banned area to insignificant or nil amounts. They do not provide a much healthier smoke or reduce overall pollution (for disposables at least). 2: Although a valid product these should only be used by smokers. As a new way for a new smoker I find the hype and general view of the product misleading. Even if not fully pc smoking culture has developed over the millinia. No one should be starting ip on electronic cigarettes or any smoking product without having a basic understanding of the smoking culture concepts and smoking safety. For traditional smoking products this includes fire safety and pollution concepts like pocket ashtrays. I was taught even when young that smoking requires responsibility just like drinking. A lit cig in the hands of a irresponsible drunk for example can result in fires that can hurt entire communities. As a substitute for the dangerouse and drunks I have to concede that electronic cigarettes are a great idea for some people or certain environments. 3: This brand tastes more like a cigar than a cigarette. It reminds me of common cigars with filters such as dutch treats. For me this worked out well but the average person needs to keep in mind that the worldwide smoking culture has many flavors and tastes.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:04:25 +0000

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