(Edited 12/27/14 9:22 PM) This is my 97 year old Mom, Dollie Bull - TopicsExpress


(Edited 12/27/14 9:22 PM) This is my 97 year old Mom, Dollie Bull as she should look like at home. The alternative Chancery Court, NOT THE ELECTED CHANCERY JUDGE, has decided they can really do a good job with Moms health care and asset management. Attorney David Sandifer presented fraudulent information and for some reason I was not allowed to respond that allowed this to happened. I expect fraud and collusion, but the collusion is hard to prove. Attorney David Sandifer did one thing that set up a series of events that disabled my Mom and now he is trying to keep her in the nursing home. The problem is Mom is in control and over 20 years ago she decided she would starve herself to death before she let this happen. In other word she will commit suicide and I am the only one who can prevent that by assuring her it is not happening. She trusts me. Already the court has mismanaged Moms money and tore 1/4th of her house up. A duffus claiming to be a professional with a court appointed attorney guardian ad litem with no skills except a mouth threated me under duress to condemn her entire house over a $700 repair on a bathroom that was an impossibility for her to use in anyway in any form. The only reason I had not fixed it was I was trying to save a priceless bee hive. The professional could not look and see the bathroom was not even a part of the main house. The house is built in four separate compartments. Each is self contained. I was controller for 7 years of a multimillion dollar corporation and in two minutes recognized the attorney and the contractor to be working a con on me. I also recognized they were both incompetent. I would not let them build a dog house. I would like the contractor to explain why he concreted in one of my clients drains in their basement. When it rained their basement flooded for the first time ever. They spent $13,000 to fix a $700 repair and it was falling apart before the contractors left I showed the attorney and it was like a mule looking at a new gate. The attorney had zero conservatory skills. This is what happens when a person has not earned the right to a position. Neither the contractor or the attorney had earned the right. I have never seen anything that was a complete failure such as this. They did not expect Mom to live five more years, but Attorney David Sandifer is directly responsible for my Mom being in the nursing home and all that happened that put her there, They are the reason Mom is in the nursing home. The Chancery Court almost killed my Mom and I can prove it based on this act of abusive incompetence directed at a 92 year old woman at that time. Attorney David Sandifer is totally in the middle of this regardless of the spin he wants to put on it. Now they want to do it again and they are going to do worse. Attorneys as a whole have no concept of conservatorship. They get their hands on money and it is like monopoly money. I am trained at asset protection and detect mismanagement immediately. This guys first attempt was to relieve potential liability to Mom of hundreds of thousands of dollars including one of his buddys. He potentially relieved liability in excess of Moms total worth and is incapable of understanding i. I dont need his buddys help because I have the court document on his buddy. His buddy lied out of his ass. I have it on court document. This is not conservatorship. I had men and women like this sit across my deck every week for seven years. I could identify them by the time they finished their first paragraph. They are just cons even if they have attorney in front of their name. Let me ask you? Is it conservatorship to relieve potential liability of hundreds of thousands of dollars while at the same time establish a plan to sell off all my Moms assets. That is laziness and outright incompetence.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 19:23:47 +0000

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