Element horoscope July, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Element horoscope July, 2014 Good advice for everyone. Hope everyone had a great Super-moon, on July 12th.. FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Summer is when you are on fire, and ready to go. Fueled by your ties to the sun, you excel with confidence and enthusiasm, as you approach everything around you with great passion. Your tendency to be impatient, is also in full swing. Try not to let it get the better of you. You will be better suited to follow the positive energy that surrounds you right now. Play and have fun. EARTH (Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn) When others play, you remain as grounded as possible. Being conservative and practical is in your nature, but, in all reality, you yearn to break free. If only for a moment, escape, go ahead, get out and enjoy yourself. Thank goodness, everyone can rely on you to bring the sunscreen, good advice, and probably the first aid kit, as well. AIR (Gemini,Libra,Aquarius) All this heat might have your in a huff. Usually, you are knee deep in contemplation, work, or any number of given obstacles that require your attention. Summer may leave you feeling detached, or, even a little more distant than you prefer. Make efforts not to avoid and invitation, but, be curious enough to accept an opportunity to let loose, and have fun. You may even enjoy it. WATER (Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces) There is never and doubt, as to how you feel, or what you are capable of. You are capable of such great compassion and feeling, its no wonder that so many, take joy in just being around you. Your tendency is to be private, though, and sometimes can be perceived as being moody. Take time to bring joy to yourself, go with the flow, float in the ocean, swim in the pool....all water calls to you, now. Good thing, because its hot out there. Let the world be your beach. Stay tuned for Augusts monthly horoscope, coming soon. Collette.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 06:15:55 +0000

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