Emotional Justice Thought of the Day. On Zimmerman latest - TopicsExpress


Emotional Justice Thought of the Day. On Zimmerman latest arrest, white female bodies, privilege, injustice black male bodies and emotional justice. Asked to comment on Zimmermans latest arrest, consistent questions are being raised around the immediate arrest of Trayvon Martins killer for pointing a gun at a white woman and the failure to arrest him for so many weeks for killing a black boy. It becomes problematic for those who imply he should not have been arrested for pulling a gun on his white female partner. Domestic violence is too often dismissed, left to escalate with devastating consequences. The numbers tell this story again and again. In this hard and painful space where white female bodies are so often privileged over black male and female bodies, it is also important not to imply nor advocate that there should be no arrest for that kind of violence against his partner. Injustice of the Trayvon Martin verdict is not soothed by a silencing or dismissal of violence of the domestic kind. I cannot imagine what this might be for Trayvons mama and daddy and loved ones. To witness due process for a white woman that was so long denied their black boy child is a devastating injustice. Is that injustice lessened by subjecting a white woman in a domestic violence incident to this same treatment? #emotionaljustice
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:11:52 +0000

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