Endless Ethiopia [Blacks before America ተብሎ በ Mark Hyman - TopicsExpress


Endless Ethiopia [Blacks before America ተብሎ በ Mark Hyman ከተዘጋጀው መፅሐፍ ውስጥ ከ 144-147 ያለውን ልጋብዛችሁ … እንዲህ ይላል] Black Peoples kept one nation alive for 3,000 years before there was a Europe. Even longer than any other nation in Asia or Africa. For 5,000 years Ethiopia has been foremost in world affairs. The Bible mentions her 49 times. Homer, a poet of classical Greece, made generous mention of Ethiopia in his Iliad and the Odyssey. Very few nations on earth did not have dealing with Ethiopia. The Hebrews called her Cush meaning Black. Others called her Abyssinia. Still others referred to her Ethiopia. At one time in history Ethiopia and Egypt were the two world powers, similar to Russia and the United States today. The uncertain way that some European historians tell of Ethiopia is confusing. Either through carelessness or on purpose, they play Ethiopia down while they make other nations look important. When Makeda, Queen of Ethiopia Province of Sheba, Visited King Solomon of Judah, that nation is described as a powerful, prosperous and huge nation. While Solomon appeared to be in the class of a world ruler, the facts were that Ethiopia was 2,500 years older than Judah and far wealthier. When Makeda presented Solomon with gold and precious stones that were worth millions of todays dollars, her gift substantially raised the financial status of Judah. Ethiopia was also involved in extensive trade with the world by ship and by camel. Her vessels sailed the red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. By embracing the Christian Church even before it was called Christian Ethiopia assumed an early supportive role in the founding of the Church. Ethiopia had her own famous saints and her martyrs, who died to preserve the Churchs early growth. For centuries Ethiopia was the bedrock of the faith, harboring and nourishing the persecuted and the condemned. Her temples and churches, many hewn from a single rock, are some of the finest and greatest in the world. Her priests, church organization and orderly worship were recognized by such distinguished historians as George Rawlinson and Sir Wallis Budge, both Englishmen. Ethiopia has long been acknowledged the Mother of Egypt. Scholars from the Byzantine claimed that Ethiopia had the first organized society on earth. She was the first nation to create laws, government and marriage. No other government west of the Orient played such a vital role in world history. According to the Bible, one of the distinguished sons of Ethiopia was Nimarod. King of Babylon. He was called a Mighty Hunter for the lord… the Scripture also extolls Ethiopias greatness in Isaiah as the land of rustling wings which is beyond rivers of Ethiopia that sendeth ambassadors by sea. Even earlier in history, the nations early influence was cited as a beginning source of the famous Nile River. Meroe, a later capital of Ethiopia, was even larger than Memphis, in Egypt. Her great temple to the God Ammon was the largest in the Nile Valley. The walls of this magnificent structure were built 15 feet thick of cut stone. It was 30 feet high. Many temples like this one remain standing today throughout the Ethiopia kingdom. Researchers have discovered ancient furnaces for smelting iron in Ethiopia, reveling that Ethiopians mastered the technical skills required for the process three centuries before Christ. During the 12th century, they were making the best quality iron in the world. River and dock accommodation for loading iron ship to other nations have also been found. One of Ethiopias largest customers was Egypt. Although European historians have not agreed upon what historical relationships existed between Ethiopia and Egypt.. It is a fact that they coexisted for 5,000 years. Researchers digging into the earth have found evidence that for 150 years Egypt was dependent on Ethiopia. Egyptian records support the fact that the kings of two Egyptian dynasties were appointed by Ethiopian overlords. During different periods of history, Ethiopian armies came to the aid of Israel and Judah. Ethiopia fought as well, against Israel and Judah as enemies. Blacks also saved Jerusalem from capture and thereby saved the Jewish religion. Hereen, an authority on antiquity and ancient peoples, had this to say: When the educated Greeks scarcely know about Sicily and Italy, Ethiopia was celebrated in the verses of their poets. They spoke of them as a wondrous nation and the most just of men and the favorites of the Gods. “It was Hereen who also observed that the records of Egyptian priests were full of accounts of Ethiopia. Ethiopia once ruled most of Asia. According to the famous Greek historian Herodotus, Ethiopia was considered to cover most of Asia Arabia, Egypt and Palestine. Thus the nations of inner Asia located on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers have entwined their history with that of Ethiopia. No nation has lived on earth since the beginning of recorded time that did not know about or have to deal with this black nation. what do you think of your history?
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:12:53 +0000

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