Essential oil sellers will tell you that it is impossible, - TopicsExpress


Essential oil sellers will tell you that it is impossible, impossible!, for a person to develop an allergy to essential oils because they are natural products. In fact, a number of EO distributors have come onto past comment threads and insisted just that. But that is categorically and provably wrong. Repeated exposure to a substance is the most common way that allergies develop, whether or not the substance is natural (anyone ever heard of peanut allergy? ragweed allergy?). So imagine this scenario: an essential oil distributor and homeschooling Mama gets her brood up in the morning. They are refreshed from having their (essential oils) diffusers going all night. They also slept on sheets that their mother had sprayed with homemade sheet spray (more essential oils). Now its time for a yummy breakfast, including herbal tea (a wee drop of peppermint essential oil added, of course). Next, Mama has her children do their morning chores, including doing the dishes, wiping the counters, scrubbing the toilets, mopping the floor and doing laundry with the familys own natural homemade cleaning products containing lavender, orange and lemon essential oils. Somebodys got a sore throat, so out comes the homemade sore throat spray (made with essential oil). Somebody else has dry hands and chapped lips from the cold weather, so out comes the homemade hand lotion and lip balm (more essential oil). Somebody goes to change the babys diaper, and makes sure to give baby a liberal dusting of homemade baby powder (more essential oil). And of course, the diffusers are humming all around the house (more oil!), because hey, schools got to start, and the kids need to be able to concentrate, right? Goodness, I think Im getting Essential Oil Toxicity just from typing all that out! And yet, EO distributors will mock anyone making warnings about Essential Oil Toxicity, as if such a thing were absolutely absurd IF the products are being used correctly. Well, Ive just described a household that uses the oils in many of the ways they are encouraged to be used (though Im sure Ive missed a few). Doesnt it seem plausible that Essential Oil Toxicity could easily occur in such a household? And the long-term scenario, I suspect, is that massive amounts of people are going to develop allergies to EOs, get sick and/or die, and the FDA will step in even more forcefully with regulation. Will that cure the problem? Oh heavens, no. Thats when the real caterwauling will begin. I can hear it now, about how the FDA and Big Pharma are In Cahoots Together, and just want to keep us sick while they line each others pockets. See? Just look at how they have regulated our essential oils as if this *perfectly natural* product were dangerous! Its all about the money! And yes, I get that the FDA and Big Pharma have their problems. Theyre not perfect. But I would at least prefer *some* oversight and legitimate scientific studies (i.e., not funded by advocacy groups) to have taken place with respect to whatever natural substance I am about to use as a medicine. (Christine)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 17:37:26 +0000

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