Estonian film journalists chose for 2014 years best film In the - TopicsExpress


Estonian film journalists chose for 2014 years best film In the Crosswind/Risttuules Risttuules / In the Crosswind 2014 Trailer June 14, 1941, 3 a.m. Over 40 000 people from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are deported by Soviets to Siberia. Among them is a philosophy student Erna, a happily married mother of a little girl. Separated from her husband Erna and her daughter are dispatched together with other women and children to remote Siberian territories. Despite hunger, fear and brutal humiliation Erna never in next fifteen years loses her sense of freedom and hope of returning to homeland. The story is inspired by real events. Historical Background In August 1939 a treaty between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany was signed, under which both sides pledged to remain neutral in the event that either nation were attacked by the third party. It remained in effect until 22 June 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union.In addition the treaty included a secret protocol dividing Northern and Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence. Thereafter, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded their respective sides of Poland. Part of Finland was annexed by the Soviet Union after Winter War in 1940. This was followed by Soviet annexations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Western Ukraine, Western Byelorussia and Moldova in 1940. Pravda, the voice of the Communist Party, wrote at this time: “Peter I made a great mistake when he allowed the native peoples of the Baltic region to continue living in the lands they inhabited.” On 16th May 1941 Communist Party decided to correct that mistake and adopted a special act “About the deportation of the socially alien element from the Baltic Republics, Western Ukraine and Byelorussia, and Moldova”. On June 14, 1941, 3 a.m. the first mass deportation started. Overcrowded echelons went towards Siberia, taking with them more than 40 thousand people from Baltic countries. Men were separated from families and taken to prison camps, while women and children were taken to the most remote Siberian regions. During subsequent mass deportations, which lasted until 1953, several hundred thousand people were deported from Baltics. Many died of starvation, disease and excruciating work. Few made it back to their homeland with a long delay of decade or two. Author’s Approach The script is based on letters, memoirs, archive materials, drawings, photographs and interviews. However the main inspiration comes from a diary by a young Estonian woman called Erna. Erna dissects her life in Siberia with unique skill of analysis. The freedom of her thought and ability of treating time are most astounding. Time stopped for Erna when she was forcefully taken away from her home. It lost its dimension for her and stayed so for the rest of the time she spent in Siberia. Her time in Siberia was one indefinable waiting. The deportee’s heart had remained back at home in month of June. Films visuals came about from the idea of relativity of time. Is time absolute or is it based on relationships? Does time pass for real or are the concepts of past, present and future based on delusion? If latter is the case then how would it be possible to maintain this delusion in film medium? “In the Crosswinds” is told in following way. The conditions of those times will be meticulously recreated using authentic photos and drawings. Actors and extras freeze in the middle of whatever they might happen to be doing at the particular moment of the scene. It is as if a finger of fate had stopped their activity… In the middle of all this, the camera as the only moving object “moves around” in three dimensions. This creates the impression that the movement is taking place within the pictures. The dialogue of the film’s characters, sound design, and music accompanies this frozen yet nevertheless dynamic visual world. ----- Ajalooline taust 1939. aasta augustis sõlmisid Nõukogude Liit ja Saksamaa mittekallaletungilepingu (MRP). Kokkuleppe salaprotokoll jaotas mõjusfäärid Ida-Euroopas. Balti riigid, Soome, Ida-Poola ja Bessaraabia jäid Nõukogude Liidu, suurem osa Poolast Saksamaa mõjusfääri. Septembris 1939 vallutasid Saksamaa ja Nõukogude Liit Poola, osa Soomest liideti Talvesõja lõppedes Nõukogude Liiduga, ning Balti riikidele suruti peale vastastikuse abistamise lepingud. Eestisse, Lätisse ja Leedusse paigutati Nõukogude sõjaväebaasid. Eestisse toodi lepingu järgi 25000 meest. Kompartei häälekandja Pravda kirjutas sel ajal: Peeter I tegi sellega suure vea, et ta jättis Balti pärisrahvad nende asukohtadesse. 1941. aasta maikuus otsustasid nõukogude julgeolekuorganid selle vea parandada ning hakkasid ette valmistama suurejoonelist elanike ümberasustamist. See viidi teoks 14. juuni öösel 1941, mil Moskvast antud korralduse kohaselt deporteeriti Siberisse üle 40 000 inimese Eestist, Lätist ja Leedust. Massiline küüditamine jätkus 1953. aastani. Paljud surid teel Siberisse või uutes asulates haigustesse ja nälga, vähesed jõudsid tagasi kodumaale ning sedagi kümneid aastat hiljem. Autori nägemus Risttuules stsenaariumi aluseks on küüditamise sündmusi kajastavad kirjad, memuaarid, arhiivimaterjalid, joonistused, fotod ja intervjuud. Aga eelkõige õhukesse vihikusse kirja pandud noore Erna mõtisklus. Just sellest kirjatekstist kasvas välja filmi põhiidee. Erna jaoks peatus aeg sel momendil, kuid ta oma kodukohast vägivaldselt ära viidi, ning Siberis elatud ajal ei olnud tema jaoks enam endist mõõdet. Siberi aeg oli määratlematu ootus. Väljasaadetu süda oli endiselt juunikuisel kodumaal. Aja mõiste relatiivsusest sündis filmi audiovisuaalne lahendus. Kas aeg on absoluutne või põhineb suhetel? Kas aeg tõesti möödub või põhineb arusaam minevikust, olevikust ja tulevikust meelepettel? Kui jah, siis kuidas oleks võimalik seda meelepetet jäädvustada filmiloona? Risttuules pildi- ja helikeel on järgmine. Autentse pildimaterjali abil taastab filmi meeskond tolleaegse olustiku, seejuures jäävad näitlejad ja statistid liikumatult paigale, ükskõik mida nad parasjagu tegemas on. Justkui oleks saatuse sõrm nende tegevuse peatanud... Selle keskel rändab kaamera kolmemõõtmeliselt ringi kui ainus liikuv objekt. Vaatajale jääb mulje, et liikumine toimub piltide sees. Seda tardunud, kuid kummatigi dünaamilist pildimaailma toetab näitlejate dialoog, helikujundus ja muusika.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 15:42:20 +0000

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