Europe Is Waking Up to the Hitler Threat: U.S. Must Dump the - TopicsExpress


Europe Is Waking Up to the Hitler Threat: U.S. Must Dump the Neo-Cons, and Join the BRICS President Putins stark warning of the Hitlerian nature of the threat coming from NATO against his nation, has brought a new level of seriousness to the fight against the British Empires confrontation policy in Europe. This was reflected in the Die Zeit ads reference to Hitler, by name—a most extraordinary development in Germany—and we have reports that a qualitatively similar response is underway in France. French Presidents Hollandes stopover in Moscow to talk with Putin—the first such visit by a Western head of state to Moscow since the spring—was clearly related to this response. The potentially fatal implications of the imperial confrontation policy with Moscow, and China, have also become a matter of public discussion in Great Britain and the U.S. Most striking was a speech given by Australian-British journalist John Pilger at a London symposium Dec. 5, in which he blasted the liberal media for its lies about Ukraine and Russia, and accused it of furthering the prospect for a major war—perhaps nuclear war. In the U.S., veteran CIA analyst Philip Giraldi, in a blog posting December 4, took aim at the Neo-cons, including Victoria Nuland, for stoking a confrontation with Moscow that makes no sense, and is reminiscent of the process that led to world wars I and II. These developments create the basis for the measures which can actually defeat the war policy:
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 04:42:44 +0000

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