Evangelist: A very pleasant good morning to all of the fb family, - TopicsExpress


Evangelist: A very pleasant good morning to all of the fb family, friends and foes. As I was allowed to arise from my bed this morning, the first someone I heard is that still small voice that declared: ...There are six things that YAHWEH, your GOD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speak lies and he that sows discord among brothers... (Proverbs 6:16-19). I felt so guilty after I found the scriptures that declared and confirmed what I was hearing in the Spirit. So, I fell on my knees and asked my King; I said, Lord Jesus, is it me? Then, I heard somebody say, The parents have eaten sour grapes and they have caused their children teeth to be put on edge. Once again, I asked King Jesus, I said, Lord Jesus, is it I... Then I heard a Command saying: Cry aloud to the parents and tell them that they have committed three evils; They have lied to their children, their children have lied to their grand children and their children, children have lied to their children... Therefore, the tradition of lies have made the Word of YAHWEH to no effect... When I heard these words being spoken in me, I fell on my face and began to confess my sins as King Jesus brought them to my remembrance. Then, as I considered the Word spoken in me, I began to realize how dangerous it is when we choose to lie, especially to our children who YAHWEH has given us these children, calling them the FRUIT OF THE WOMB as a reward to us. (Psalms 127). It is best to tell the truth now than to put it off for a later day. Believe it or not, they are going to find out the truth. If you dont tell them now, then, they will tell you later. Then, they will call you a liar. YAHWEH is holding each of us parents solely responsible for our children nurture. It is never too late to tell them the truth as long as they are alive. To this very day, I have a regret that happened to me in my younger days that I am happy to say that The Lord Jesus is helping me to make right for my own conscience sake. I am happy to say that King Jesus is allowing me to correct some mistakes and lies I told about Santa Claus, Christmas and King Jesus birthday. I am so happy that YAHWEH has allowed me to understand the truth about what the Holy Bible declares concerning the death and birth of his Son. I will preach that Bible truth and not the manmade traditional lie until the day I die. Christmas in not the holiday that represent the birth of the Son of God. December 25th. is not the day Messiah the Prince was born.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:04:01 +0000

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