Even after he and James had established a friendship on the train - TopicsExpress


Even after he and James had established a friendship on the train ride to Hogwarts, Sirius wasn’t really sure what James expect from him or what to do in regards to the friendship. All his carefully selected old friends had grown into their parents limited views of the magical world and Sirius had stopped talking to them long ago. He hadn’t had a proper friend in years. Sirius’ mind was taken off of James when he decided to go down to breakfast alone his first morning at Hogwarts, too excited at the thought of being away from his family to stay in bed. He was just rounding a corner to the second floor when he ran into a mixed group of older Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students. Before Sirius could offer so much as a friendly smile, a Gryffindor fifth year sneered at him oh fantastic” he announced “I remember this one from the sorting; another Black, remember his mad cousin? he looked around at all his friends who nodded angrily in agreement, some rubbing invisible injuries that had long since healed. The boy’s eyes gleamed “manage to SNAKE your way into Gryffindor then?” his lip curled in distaste. Sirius shrank back, unsure what to say or how to feel. He hated this. Hated that they assumed he was like his family. Hated that their reputation had followed him here where he thought he’d have a clean slate. It was just so unfair! Suddenly Sirius did know how to feel. He glared haughtily at them, narrowing his eyes angrily, he turned on the dark haired boy who had spoken to him and fixed him with a glare that was so ferocious it was hard to believe an eleven year old was capable of it “Leave. Me. Alone.” He hissed. The group looked quite disturbed but a strawberry blonde girl rallied first “Just what we need… a spy.” She turned her nose up at him but a flush was creeping up on her cheeks that looked strange next to the blue of her Ravenclaw robes. “Don’t worry, I’ll teach him a lesson” a blonde haired, cocky Gryffindor boy raised his wand, teeth gritted in determination, not noticing his friends looks turning hesitant “he won’t dare try anything again” the boy added with a harsh glint in his eyes. Hey!” James voice echoed down the corridor “Back off. Sirius didn’t want to take his eyes off the group but his head turned involuntarily towards James’ voice and watched as he sped down the corridor to come to a stop next to Sirius. And who are you, runt? James squared his shoulders and tilted his chin, half out of confident arrogance, half just to peer accusingly up at the boy with the wands’ face James Potter” he announced “friend of this git he motioned towards Sirius who tried not to beam at him. Nobody had ever stuck up for him like this before. He didn’t even mind being called a git. “Potter eh?” the blonde boy asked, his face softening “I heard of your lot too. What are you doing around this kid” he brandished his wand at Sirius “good family like yours doesn’t need someone like that in your life. You need to make friends with the right sort.” James took a decisive sidestep in front of Sirius, narrowing his eyes as he went and effectively shielding Sirius from the blonde boy’s wand. Sirius jaw dropped open. James had only known him a day and he was willing to stand up to a group of students with far more magical education, most of which had more muscle on one arm then that scrawny git had in his entire body. A warm, happy feeling spread through Sirius’ body as he realised James was protecting him. That had never happened before “I think I can sort out the wrong sort on my own thanks” he said lightly, crossing his arms. Sirius beamed at the back of James’ head, his anger subsiding entirely, making way for happiness. He seized James’ arm to tug him towards the Great Hall, noticing that the boy had lowered his wand and his friends were looking embarrassed, but James just tugged his arm out of Sirius’ grip, eyes locked on the blonde boy. “You shouldn’t judge someone because of their family and you shouldn’t pick on someone smaller than you just because you heard something about them. It’s not very Gryffindor of you at all” James was really getting into his stride when Sirius clamped his hand over his mouth and physically dragged James away. Sometimes it paid to have a short ass for a best friend. Sirius’ grin widened when he thought ‘best friend’ but tried to concentrate on being belligerent “hurry up” he moaned through his grin “I’m never not hungry and my true love waits.” James wriggled out of Sirius’ hold and looked at him quizzically, distracted from his own anger and nobility. “Bacon” Sirius clarified. James’ eyes lit up “this is, either the start of a beautiful friendship, or we just found something to fight over for seven years.” Sirius pushed James over and took off down the corridor “race you!” he yelled over his shoulder before falling flat on his face. Obviously a trip jinx but it hadn’t come from James, who had leapt over him and was already tearing down the hall, laughing madly. Sirius jumped to his feet to follow after him, hoping he wasn’t hogging all the bacon all to himself. Though Sirius did eventually find out where the jinx came from. Remus later explained with a mischievous smile that Sirius pushing James hadn’t seemed very fair to him. - Cristie
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:51:58 +0000

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