Even the strongest trainers in the world cant carry the load of a - TopicsExpress


Even the strongest trainers in the world cant carry the load of a client who wont do his part. Clients who want to work with a coach have to at least live by these 5 rules or they shouldnt be allowed to be a training client: #1... Be coachable. Dont tell me about how much you lifted in high school, how good your legs were 20 years ago or that you used to sort of be a trainer. Be willing to listen and try what I am telling you and at least give me a chance. #2... Write down all the food, not just the stuff you want me to see. And light beers dont work so you cant drink more of them. #3... Show up at least 2 days a week. Show up, lift some heavy stuff over your head a few times and we can make this happen. I cant train you sitting on your couch watching other people play sports. #4... Change your bad habits and if you dont know how, ask me. It isnt one thing that is killing you, it is the combination of a dozen bad habits you dont even think about anymore. Eating junk, failure to move, not flossing, too much cheap beer, walking slowly, diet sodas, sugar filled snack bars and only the powers in heaven know what else you are doing. Tell me everything and we can fix it together. #5... Take responsibility for your own body and stop blaming the world, your job, your spouse, your parents, your dog and the environment. Its you if you win... and its you if you lose. All I can do is guide, motivate and keep you safe, but you have to sweat in there somewhere.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 18:34:18 +0000

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