Even though this guy is on the right track his math is quite - TopicsExpress


Even though this guy is on the right track his math is quite fuzzy. Nonetheless, what people dont seem to understand (or want to understand) is that if you regulate supply you must also regulate demand. If anyone honestly believes that a raise in minimum wages will not also trigger an equal (or perhaps even higher) rise in the costs of goods and services they are short-sighted at best. $15/hr wont look so good when your dickhead landlord raises your rent by 40%, will it? And what about those poor schlubs who CURRENTLY make $15/hr? Its not like they are going to be getting a raise... no, all they are going to get is a big, fat increase in their cost of living. In case I havent been clear, I dont think wages are the biggest issue... arbitrary costs of goods and services (particularly rent, utilities, etc...) ARE. All raising wages will do is trigger a cost of living increase.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 18:20:56 +0000

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