Every Living & Non Living is Consciousness i.e. Frequency, - TopicsExpress


Every Living & Non Living is Consciousness i.e. Frequency, Vibration & Energy. What is the meaning of Life ?. This is the question that hunted every individual beings of Universe. The Global Phenomenon of the incessant search for the true meaning of Life which has been attracting Atheistic Westerners to India signalling the Victory of Spiritualism over Materialism. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* Vibration of of living & non living i are Energy of Consciousness. The Greatest Wisdom is Non Duality (Advaita). All Deities, Buddhas, Immortals, Saints and Allah & so forth are the manifestation of Consciousness.. The eight fold divisions are the manifestation of Consciousness. Universe and Galaxies are the manifestation of Consciousness.. Mountains and Rivers as well as Ground are the manifestation of Consciousness.. Each grass and each wood is the manifestation of Consciousness.. Sand and dust is the manifestation of Consciousness.. Exhalement and inhalement of breath are the manifestation of Consciousness.. Milky Way resplending is the manifestation of Consciousness.. The Sun and Moon running across the sky are the manifestation of Consciousness.. The river flowing on the ground is the manifestation of Consciousness.. The metabolism is the manifestation of Consciousness.. The Fission and Fusion are the manifestation of Consciousness.. Rescuing the Departed and saving ghosts are the manifestation of Consciousness. Salvation and relieving are the manifestation of Consciousness.. The Gods kingdoms in ten directions are the manifestation of Consciousness.. The God of all times are the manifestation of Consciousness. Wisdom and Consciousness is like the two wings of bird, the double wheels of carriage for people engaged in mind discipline, cultivation and practice. Ascension is impossible if one of them is dispensable. The greatest wisdom is Non Duality (Advaita). *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* Having your mind & chitta moved will cause Consciousness to scatter, leak and lose. When the mind & Chitta is upright, kind, sincere, pure, empty, non-self, non-desire, unconditioned, non-seeking, non-fighting, energy will continually flow in and ascension can be accomplished. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and everything will go well. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and all barriers will be broken naturally. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and the Great Way will lead to the heaven. :Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and all obstacles will be eliminated like a wide expanse of flat land appearing in front of you. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and the paradise will come to you at this very moment. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still, and you can harmoniously penetrate into all Dharmas ( Righteous code of Conduct & Act). Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and you will be in a state of neither dying nor being born. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and you will be in a state of neither being impure nor being pure. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and you will be in a state of neither growing nor fading. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still, and the final homeland is in front of you. Keep the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) still and you will reach the station of returning. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* The Body, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) & Social, Religious & Spiritual Awareness are not Two Different Things: At one stage there is Milk, At another stage the milk become Curd, Aat a third stage the Curd is churned into Butter, At the fourth stage it is clrified into Ghee, and Finally at the Fifth stage it become part of our Curry. In the same way at one stage there is Gross body, At another stage the Vasanas (propensity), Mental Tendencies, or Vices or Passions, Aat the third stage the Psychic Experiences, and at the fourth stage SUPREME REALITY. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* WHAT is MATTER? Modern Scientists define matter as some substance-lifeless no doubt, which takes up the form of all solids, liquids and gases, and can be destroyed of ultimately small particles calls molecules, which can further be decomposed into a number of Atoms. Atom is the smallest particle of an element, and molecule is the smallest particle of a compound. Chemistry has found out a number of elementary subsistence,the simplest known constituents of all compound substances ,they are named elements,and the smallest particles of these elements are called atoms. Again all the different kinds of atoms can be broken or dissolved through Radio-Activity into another class of still smaller particles,which are made up of electrons with a Proton at the centre and they form a single class of substance. Therefore the FIRST FUNDAMENTAL form a matter is a PROTON,the FUNDAMENTAL UNIT of the PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. Proton is a positivity charged Atom of Hydrogen with electricity serving as a NUCLEUS with Varying Number of Electrons evolving round it. Each Electron is a particle with a negative charge of electricity in mass less than a thousandth part of an Atom of HYDROGEN. Electron is not of matter as the term may be understood to signify,but is a Granulated Particle of Negative Charge of Electricity.Electron with a Proton at the center form one Particle. If the Theory of Evolution of Life from matter were accepted,these particles must be supposed to be possessed of a Third Charge of Life,Co-Existent with the charges of Electricity,because no animate organism can possibly be evolved out of mere Lifeless electrically charged atoms of HYDROGEN.if ANIMUS is not existent there. SOMETHING CANNOT COME OUT OF NOTHING. Therefore we are Led to Believe that the Fundamental Electronic Particles are formed of some Cosmic Energy possessing LIFE,it may either Reflect Life or is Itself a FORM of the LIFE -PRINCIPLE. All Chemical,Physical or Organic changes do not Create Matter,they simply imply a change of form and composition. The Fundamental Particles remain as such,no matter how they combine in the course of the Multifarious Creative Process through changes in their juxtapositions.Before creation comes into being the vast expanse of these electronic particles forms an Ocean of a Substance,perhaps the same as AMBHAS of the VEDAS Emanating from the ADHYATAMABHAVA of the ALMIGHTY,i.e.,HIS BHOOTDBHAVA on the physical plane. Vedas have Described it as WATER perhaps because of the NUCLEAR HYDROGEN,a Major Constituent of Water. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* श्री*♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~♥ ॐ♥*श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥*श्री*♥श्री *♥*♥ ॐ♥*श्री*♥ *~The Essence of the GITA ~* DUALITY(Dvaita) v\s NON-DUALITY (Advaita) If you REALLY WANT TO BE HAPPY YOURSELF (WITHIN), FOLLOWED THESE GOLDEN - RULES EVERY MOMENT. Vedanta Version to Overcome the GLOBAL WARMING. The Vedanta Philosophy might be summed up in the ONE sentence The Living & Non - Living, by coming in contact (within) with each other, forge certain Frequencies, Vibrations, Energies which bring about Birth, Death , and Various Subtle Experience (Self Realization) of Precious Life, this process could be stopped, and the Energies already forged destroyed , by course of discipline leading to Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity i. Happiness & Moksha (salvation). A close & subtle Analysis of this brief statement shows that it Involves SEVEN Wonder Propositions : (1). That there is something called the Consciousness (Living); (2). That there is something called Non - Living i.e. PTattwa: Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Ether; (3). That the two come into the contact with each other; (4).That the contact leads to the production of some Frequencies, Vibrations & Energies; (5). That the process of contact could be stopped; (6). That the existing Frequencies, Vibrations & Energies could also be exhausted from Living & Non Livings; (7). Lastly , that Mokska (Salvation, Liberation) could be achieved. These seven wonder Propositions are called the SEVEN Subtle Tattwa or REALITIES by the VEDANTA. The first TWO Great TRUTHS are that there is a JIVE (individual Being) or Soul and that there is an AJIVA ( non- Living) or NON - SOUL. These two exhaust between them all that EXISTS in the UNIVERSE as well others Universe. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* *~The Great Values of our Precious Life ~* The Aim of Precious life is uplifting of Character & Soul, to Detect yourself from Attachment, Alignment & meet God. One who got Human form and did not achieve this, has Destroyed Himself. The one who has indulged in all pleasurable pursuits by leaving God aside, takes POISON by Sacrificing Nectar. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥ May all be happy. May all be healthy. May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer. *~ Vedanta Version~* श्री*♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~♥ ॐ♥~श्री*~♥ ॐ♥*श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥*श्री*♥ COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORDS CONSCIOUSNESS. To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Thirthji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples (all types), Churchs (all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas (all types), All Holy Places (all types), Gurudwaras (all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME. To manifest the Homologous Divine Power of Lord to Over Come *THE GLOBAL WARMING in every Sphere of Life i.e. Welfare of Living & Non Living. 1,“OM AEIM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM JIVA-NIRJIVA (LIVING & NON LIVING) KALAYANKARI PARAM MAA PARMESHWARI NAMO NAMHA” *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* 1. ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं हिलीम्‌ ऊँ जीव-निर्जीव कल्याणकारी परम्‌-माँ परमेश्वरी नमो नमः ॥ 2.Om Aeim Hrim Shrim klim Hlim Om Shiv Shakti Bhyam Namoha Namaha. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* 3.“OM AIEM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM SARVA DEO-DEVI SARUPAYE SHRI ALLHAYE, OM GAUTAM BUDDHAYE, OM MAHAVIRAYE, OM WAHE GURU, OM SAI, OM PRABHU ISHU, OM BRAHMA- VISHNU-SHIV-SHAKTI BHYAM NAMO NAMHA.” *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* 4.“OM AIEM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM MANI PADME HUM or HOOM . *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality (Advaita),i.e. Only One God ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE i.e. *{Holy Human}* GURU TATTWA,EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 02:10:33 +0000

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