Every fall Sean takes our family out to get our Flu shots, but - TopicsExpress


Every fall Sean takes our family out to get our Flu shots, but this year I didnt go. I have been taking Plexus Xfactor vitamin, BioCleanse and Probio5 since last April, and I am so confident in our products, that I declined the flu shot this year. In 9 months, I have not had a cold or one sinus infection, and this is huge, because I used to get 3-4 sinus infections per year! Which meant, for me, rounds of antibiotics and steroid packs. And you know that stuff isnt good for you. XFactor is nowhere near just a “multivitamin”. It is a 3 in 1 combination (aloe blend, Blackcurrant, & other vitamins & minerals) of the best ingredients on the planet shown to get you healthy and keep you there. Plus, the Aloe blend not only helps with the absorption of the fantastic vitamins & minerals in the X Factor, it also helps with the absorption of ALL foods & medications you ingest. Do your homework like I did...Google the benefits of injesting Aloe and New Zealand Black Currant. ProBio5 has 5 different probiotics that have major rolls to play such as digestion, keeping yeast, fungus and other microbes at bay and increasing and supporting immune system. It also contains enzymes that are very powerful at killing the Candida (yeast overgrowth) that is present in almost every American. Specific enzymes target the outer protective layer of the yeast which opens it up to make it vulnerable for other enzymes to zoom in to kill it. Grape seed extract is one of the most powerful of the antioxidants that will fight free radicals. It is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times stronger than vitamin E PLUS ProBio5 contains vitamin B6 which helps keeps body oxygenated. A well oxygenated body is resistant to yeast and fungi. This brings me to the BioCleanse which I think is just as amazing. Many people are in a low oxygen/toxic state. This is caused by poor diet, stress, low activity levels, polluted air and shallow breathing. The body cannot keep up its metabolism in this state, and begins to gather waste products more rapidly than it can eliminate them. Viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogenic microbes thrive in this condition, and can lead to diseases such as flu, Candida, chronic fatigue, etc. Plexus Bio-Cleanse can increase the oxygen levels around these microbes, causing them to die due to their high-oxygen environment. Not only does this help remove waste from the body (softens waste matter in colon, helps reduce plaque in arteries and kills microbes) it also oxygenates all the cells in the body! Think about it, you can live weeks without food, days without water, but barley minutes without oxygen!! As the liquefied plaques and dead pathogens move toward leaving the body, the magnesium creates a colon flushing reaction, increasing bowel activity and preventing re-absorption of the toxins. --- Not all cleanses will oxygenate your body or kill microbes. This is not like just taking vitamins and fiber to clean out your system. It is much more. AND, again, this cleanse is not expensive at all compared to some of the products out there which are much more involved with shakes and many pills and fiber. If you are interested in these products, please message me and I can help get you started on a healthy immune system! Theyre not very expensive, and look at the money youll save on doctors visits and medications.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 15:42:21 +0000

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