Everybody gets stressed out. That’s to be expected. In our - TopicsExpress


Everybody gets stressed out. That’s to be expected. In our hectic modern world, how could you not? It’s just something we have to deal with. But that’s just the thing: do you actually deal with the tension and pressure you might be feeling due to work, family issues, or anything problematic? What do you tend to do when you’re stressed out? If you don’t have an effective method with which to ease your stress, maybe it’s time for you to get one. :) The-Third-MetricThe other day I attended a private event at Arianne Huffingtons home in NYC called The Third Metric Womens Conference (Yes, they let some men like me in!), where the topic of stress management was a prevalent topic. My good friend, Dr. Mark Hyman spoke on one of the panels and was asked by Katie Couric to Tell us about the impact your head has on your overall health and this whole mind-body connection. I loved his response when he said If you really knew what was happening to you (in your body) when you were stressed, youd freak out! Its not pretty. :) He went on to list a myriad of things that happen in your body with stress and how it negatively impacts your body. (You can see the full clip by clicking here huffingtonpost/2013/06/07/mark-hyman-stress-wellness-health-third-metric_n_3402882.html?utm_hp_ref=third-metric) So on the topic of stress, today I thought Id share an interesting new study that has revealed that people who don’t deal with their stress effectively are more likely to encounter some form of mental illness 10 years down the road. It’s a startling revelation that we all should take heed of. The simple fact is that we need to effectively address our stress levels in order to remain in good health. You may think that’s easier said than done, but I promise you it’s not. The stress you feel from time to time – or maybe all the time – is challenging, but it’s not undefeatable. If you’ve tried other methods before, only to give up after a few weeks or days, then you might want to consider using EFT Tapping more. It’s easy, fast, free, and most importantly, it works like a charm. :) One of the hormones that Dr. Mark Hyman mentioned in the video above was cortisol and how its been shown to lead to weight gain. How Stress Wears Your Mind Down Negative Emotions and Mental HealthThe study, recently published in the journal Psychological Science, was conducted by a team led by Susan Charles, a professor of psychology and social behavior at the University of California-Irvine. Entitled “The Wear and Tear of Daily Stressors on Mental Health,” the study revealed that “our responses to seemingly minor daily events have long term implications for mental health.” The study looked at 711 men and women between the ages of 25 and 74. These subjects were asked questions about the stressors in their life and their reactions to them over a period of 8 days, both at the beginning of the study, and at its conclusion 10 years later. What emerged was that those who reacted badly to whatever was making them stressed out at the beginning of the study were on average more likely to be suffering from anxiety problems or mood disorders a decade later. For most members of this subset, reactions of sadness, anger and anxiety - though seemingly regular and inconsequential - snowballed into more troubling mental health issues after a decade (A good reason to deal with your stress now with Tapping and not let it snowball out of control). Think about your daily routine and the things that leave you feeling stressed out. Sometimes the culprits are big problems like serious health issues or financial troubles, but more often it’s the little things that wreak havoc on your peace of mind – your misbehaving child, repairs around the home that never seem to get done, or even an annoying disagreement with a boss or co-worker. If we find ourselves getting consistently worked up over things that aren’t “the end of the world,” we tend to overlook the frustration we’re feeling and the impact that it’s having on our mental well being. The problem is that the effects of our reactions to these oh-so-minor issues are cumulative, and over time, our stress level remains consistently elevated. What this study reveals is that even this can be harmful to our mental health. What does this mean? It means that with the constant stress we all find ourselves dealing with each day, we need to address and alleviate the stress in order to not have long term stress issues. And what better tool is there than Tapping, which has been scientifically proven to reduce cortisol levels in the body? :) Some Simple Resources #1 - In my book, The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living, I detail how our brain works when we’re faced with stress of any kind, be it big or small. Our mind and body are intricately connected, so much so that distressing thoughts prompt a physical reaction, even if it’s unnoticeable. If you havent picked up a copy of the book yet, Im of course going to recommend that you do by going here: thetappingsolution/ts/nofb-tts-bkstore #2 - Jessicas free webinar entitled The Biological Weight Loss Trap outlines exactly how to pinpoint the stressors from your past and present that can be keeping you from being healthy, losing weight and feeling confident in your body. I cant recommend this presentation enough. It is truly powerful. Check it out by clicking here: thetappingsolution/ts/nofb-art-7wwl #3 - If youre not sure how to tap, take a look at this quick video for a walkthrough of the technique here: thetappingsolution/what-is-eft-tapping/ Once you’ve gone through it once or twice on your own, youll get a feel for how to use this method to address the daily bothers and worries that have been plaguing you. In no time at all, you’ll find that by taking a few minutes to be present in your frustrations and “tap” them out, your overall sense of well being is immensely improved. Thats it for today. Remember to keep Tapping. Theres no need to be overwhelmed or stress out by life when you have a tool as simple, easy and effective as EFT Tapping to help you out. :) Do you ever worry about the long term effects of your current stress levels? Do you feel like youre doing enough to relieve your stress? Leave your comments below and let us know your thoughts.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 23:34:00 +0000

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