Everyone at a point in life plays a role. Its something that we - TopicsExpress


Everyone at a point in life plays a role. Its something that we do, as we figure out where we belong. When I use the word belong, I mean what is the right fit for you as an individual? :) We can acquire wisdom from various sources, i.e. books, mentors, from our experiences, etc. so on. :) What we tend to forget is these are tools, and for them to become fact, you have to experience life. That is how you attain knowledge. What has long been superficial becomes fundamental. The meaning of Life is to be Alive. The symbolization of Alive is to be understand what Truth is, simply put, your truth. Lets not front loves, we all see truth differently. That doesnt make us right or wrong, the question is; does your truth, fulfill the greater purpose of your life? :) Keep enriching your life and perfecting your existence on Earth. Stay determined, have a plan and stop at nothing to achieve your goal. In life everything is possible even if it seems risky. ;) Youre the only one who knows, if the risk is worth taking. :) When it has to do with your soul, I believe it is and so do most people. Divine logic always prevails at the Last Judgement. ;)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 02:40:05 +0000

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