Everyone really needs to be aware of the coming delusion. For - TopicsExpress


Everyone really needs to be aware of the coming delusion. For years we have all been being brainwashed to believe in aliens. I did too. Actually saw something that had to be one. Scarier now to realize they are really demons in disguise. We are going to have anAlien invasion and be told that are here to help us to save the planet. There is alot of things that point to this from project blue beam, to all of the attention its gotten, movies, the supposed Alien disclosure, people having various contact and beyond told that they are aliens who are going to step in to save earth because humans are destroying it. I used to believe in aliens until I heard this scientist talk about the difficulties space travel ssy that distance would be, to the fact that we would be able to physically see them coming. But these things appear and disappear into thin air and act and not interstellar. These ate the fallen angels of the bible and have been setting the stage for the gray delusion talked about in the Bible. Im going to post some of the more important videos on this subject. You can think Im crazy if you want, but I still need to at least try to warm people. Maybe if you dont believe me, ssy least of/when it does happen, maybe at least it will be in the back of your mind and hopefully you wont be deceived. May Yahuah Elohim (I dont use the Teutonic general title god, the first three words Elohim wrote with His finger was I Am Yahuahyour Elohim. He wants us and commands us to use His Name not take in vain, which means to bring to nought, to make meaningless, I feel a geners l title does that)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 23:08:57 +0000

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