Everything Ive posted on here has been sad and/or slightly - TopicsExpress


Everything Ive posted on here has been sad and/or slightly depressing. I am not a sad person and normally do everything I can to put a smile on someones face. I have promptly decided to try for a smile or two tonight. My youth leader Bobby and a few of my youth groupies told me I should write a book. Im pretty confident they were joking but I dont care. I do what I want. Since I can obviously not write a book, I have decided to do a journal type thing on Grams trusty Facebook and see how that goes. I have been trying to think up an idea for me to write about, but Im honestly not all that interesting, and short of completely making up a story I would be doing nothing but informing you of how many breaths I took today. Then as I was searching for something to do tonight I stumbled across a book that I brought home from Grams house. Its called Nobodys Poet by Robert St. John. St. John is a wonderfully funny man who is a food columnist for some random newspaper in Mississippi. He was one of Grams main sources for giggles. So I started reading his junk. Then I got inspired. What do I love more than anything? Thats right...food! Me and this St. John fellow have a lot in common. So thats what I wanted to write about. Food. My topic tonight is gonna be my likes and dislikes of the food industry. Im going to start with dislikes cause Im picky and like complaining about things. I am a weird child. I dont like all the typical kid foods. Mashed potatoes? Nope. Pickles? No way. Strawberries? Uh uh. Im not even a huge fan of hamburgers. Dont get me wrong...I can eat me a hamburger. Theyre just not my favorite. One of my least liked things are pickles. They disgust me. One time I decided to try them fried since my heart is basically a fried lump by now anyway, but nope. They still sucked. Actually, Sonics fried pickles are probably some of the most disgusting things Ive ever eaten in my life. My friend Maggie B loves pickles. Loves them. I think she must have been dropped on her head as a small child cause that just aint normal. One day she brought Sonic for lunch at school. In her grease filled bag of goodies she had fried pickles. Im not gonna lie...they looked good. So, like any good friend, I stole me one. Before she could scold me or hit me or something equally terrifying I popped it in my mouth. Lets just say my complexion went from really white to really green before you could scream mama. Another thing I dont like is Springfest food. What is up with that stuff? Some people can down an entire meal then go ride the Tilt-a-whirl like its no big deal. I can take two sips from a water bottle and be puking on a ride so fast I cant even process what just happened. Now Ill tell you what I do like. Steak. Crab legs. Anything expensive basically. Three senior boys in my art class were bragging about how they could eat a 16 oz steak. Psshh. Easy. I can eat a 16 oz steak and be begging for desserts afterward. Thats another thing Im down for. Desserts. Im actually not that big a fan of sweet stuff, but if its in front of me I will devour it. Just imagine a slaughter. Yeah, like that. Another one of my least appetizing things are shrimp. You know how pretty much all the shimp you eat are filleted open in the back? Yeah, thats where a vein was removed. You wanna know what that vein was? Intestines. You wanna know what runs through intestines? Yep. And thats all Ive gotta say for shrimp. The only food in my life that I was convinced I wouldnt like but actually did when I tried it was sweet potatoes. Those suckers are good! You just gotta measure the right amount of butter and theyre like a little orange heaven. What are some food yall like and dislike? Yall gotta converse with me so I can make some friends! So long for now! -Margo
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:55:57 +0000

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