Everything is falling into place, thanking God for placing certain - TopicsExpress


Everything is falling into place, thanking God for placing certain people in my path whom make me smile and bring out a side of me which has not been seen nor have been felt by another person who is important enough to demonstrate it to and in turn is reciprocated (NY)...My hopes and prayers have been answered slowly but surely, not when I want them but when God deems it right, Im blessed to have a new chapter in my life that has made me grow personally, spiritually and emotionally...happy to have a great relationship with my son, Gaining new father son experiences, me cooking for him and him cooking for me, buying him razors (smh) to just hanging out together...my family (Mimi ) to which I am soo proud of,has accomplished a mayor goal amongst other life achievements...my childhood best friend and brother Sergio Who has without a doubt over extended his gratitude to my kids and has looked out for them more so than I can ever ask for without a reason to...my carrer which I was born to do and will stay till Im no longer fit to do so...to my childhood, this I say with a heavy heart as I was one of the LUCKY ONES who by Gods grace was spared and offered to take a different path...to my parents as for them I didnt have enough time with them and had to grow up FAST and in a hurry, learning without knowing why, later putting the pieces together understanding the plan of why things happen for a reason...and for all of those FEW people in my CLOSE circle of dear friends,with out all of you and our fond memories Would make the JOB boring...thanks you all...I feel as blessed as ever and I wish the same to all, life just feels different when you find that piece you need to complete the puzzle...feeling blessed.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:01:53 +0000

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