Everywhere I look lately I see Christians and other religious nuts - TopicsExpress


Everywhere I look lately I see Christians and other religious nuts preaching the doomsday crap the fact that the worlds going to hell in a hand basket but some magical old man in the sky or his son that was really him that he brought back to kill for your sins is going to show up and stop it all and save everyone.....WAKE UP CALL..tHE BIBLES ALL OF THEM GOING BACK AS FAR AS YOU CARE TO GO WERE WRITTEN TO CONTROL YOU....TO MAKE YOU COMPLACENT TO TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A GOOD SLAVE...YES the world is going to perceived hell but its not fire and brimstone insome magical firey 5th dimension place,its here its now and if you do not get off your lazy cakehole and start educating yourself and others you will go from slave to victim real quick.....its time to wake up its time to research and educate yourself and question everything you were ever taught because the facts are in and its all B.S no one will save you but you and you can only do that by aligning yourself with those of us trying to prevent it! Dean Clifford Norah Holloway Andrew Langevin Jeff Minton
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 15:37:17 +0000

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