Evil is like a cancer, it spreads and eats up everything in its - TopicsExpress


Evil is like a cancer, it spreads and eats up everything in its path, once it forms it is hard to control or put a stop to it unless people wake up and become aware of the growing evil cancer that has befallen our Great Country. We are entering a Holy War, this is a war between evil and good, Obama is trying to take away God from us, he is trying to make us convert to his evil ways. Well I for one will NEVER renounce/denounce God or give up my Christian beliefs. They have taken God and prayer away from our schools and now our military. Do you people realize you do not have to follow those orders, GOD is the true ruler of the earth not this fake poser who thinks he is God, he is a false self proclaimed god, I will NEVER bow to him and neither should you. DO NOT let this FAKE take your faith or your God from you, stand up and fight for God and your faith. We need prayers all over the world, not just in America, the Muslims have invaded every country and have killed thousands of people, all in the name of their false god. We need to take a stand and tell our governments, presidents, or who ever " WE WILL NOT STAND FOR ANYMORE OF OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS TO BE TAKEN FROM US, WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOMS, WE ARE CHRISTIANS AND GOD IS OUR ONLY KING THERE SHALL BE NO OTHER" GOD IS THE TRUE RULER OF EARTH, the only one we need to follow and obey, NO ONE else. Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 20:53:55 +0000

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