Exactly What Qualifies As INCENDIARY and PROVOCATIVE Language? - TopicsExpress


Exactly What Qualifies As INCENDIARY and PROVOCATIVE Language? How direct do we have to be in the language we use to be responsible for inciting violence or any type of language-related actions? “BUT, is this Another sympathy story for Harp???” by community leader Greg Morehead!!! “Bang Bang Notes”: “Perhaps Attorney Harp could point to one single instance of a candidate who has used super heated rhetoric to describe his mother and the family enterprise. Got any evidence?” by Noteworthy (Interesting caption and comments from people who should certainly know better.) There seems to be a coordinated expression of resentment towards senator Harp by some of her opponents and their supporters without any regard to the inflammatory consequences of their rhetoric. No one has to say: ‘go and do physical damage to buildings owned by the Harp family.’ It is truly disingenuous to claim ignorance of the possible effects of the pile-on of negative rhetoric being hurled at Senator Harp and her family. This rhetoric is intended to inflame the community and reduce support for Toni Harp, so that she will not become the next mayor of New Haven. Two important questions are: 1) to what length are people prepared to go to defeat her, and 2) at what price to the broader community? In the heat of political battle we all need to be careful, thoughtful and responsible. Let us take into thoughtful consideration Babs Rawls comment “….language that may seduce fragile minds and immature spirits to act irrationally” and violently out of loyalty to some candidates and out of resentment towards Senator Harp is incendiary. Community leaders, all candidates, and those who wish to be considered responsible citizens should strive to be the examples of leadership, honor and respect. This is what we think will be of benefit to the city of New Haven. Everyone running for office has the ability to make positive and constructive contributions. Trying to tear down anyone is a subtraction from the benefits that can accrue to New Haven.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 19:59:54 +0000

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