Examining the Word Rasool in the Quran The next topic to look - TopicsExpress


Examining the Word Rasool in the Quran The next topic to look into is the Quran and its usage of the word “Rasool” (Messenger). Like in the previous case with the word “Nabi”, the root word has been used in different ways, with the terms “Arsalna”, “Arsala”, “’Yursil” sometimes referring to Allah sending Messengers, or to Allah sending a punishment, or at other times to a Ruler sending a delegation. However, with respect to the specific word Rasool (and its plural “Mursalin”/”Rusul”), we see that the total number of times the term has been used exceeds 360 times. There are a few instances (around 15) where the Messenger being referred to is either an Angel, or a Messenger that is not divinely sent. However, in the remaining cases (about 350 cases) it can be seen that the Rasool is in effect a human sent by Allah to declare His religion to a given people. So yet again, the level of clarity the Quran uses in describing Rasools and its coherence with Islamic belief is quite unlike the comparison between the term “Imaam” and the doctrine of “Imaamah” in Shiaism. Again, some of the places where the word Rasool has been used are presented below, placed in categories for us to understand the various ways in which the Quran explains the role, function, and duties of Messengers: Messengers sent to Every Nation And for every nation there is a messenger. And when their messenger cometh (on the Day of Judgment) it will be judged between them fairly, and they will not be wronged. (Quran 10:47) People will not be punished until a Messenger is sent to the Whosoever goeth right, it is only for (the good of) his own soul that he goeth right, and whosoever erreth, erreth only to its hurt. No laden soul can bear anothers load, We never punish until we have sent a messenger. (Quran 17:15) Peoples Rejecting Messengers Messengers indeed have been denied before thee, and they were patient under the denial and the persecution till Our succour reached them. There is none to alter the decisions of Allah. Already there hath reached thee (somewhat) of the tidings of the messengers (We sent before). (Quran 6:34) Punishment for those who reject the Messengers of Allah We destroyed the generations before you when they did wrong; and their messengers (from Allah) came unto them with clear proofs (of His Sovereignty) but they would not believe. Thus do We reward the guilty folk. (Quran 10:13) Belief in Messengers as a Pillar of Faith The messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no distinction between any of His messengers - and they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto Thee is the journeying. (Quran 2:285) O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His messenger and the Scripture which He hath revealed unto His messenger, and the Scripture which He revealed aforetime. Whoso disbelieveth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers and the Last Day, he verily hath wandered far astray. (Quran 4:136) Some of the Messengers’ stories have been told to us, some have not And messengers We have mentioned unto thee before and messengers We have not mentioned unto thee; and Allah spake directly unto Moses; (Quran 4:164) Purpose of Messengers Messengers of good cheer and of warning, in order that mankind might have no argument against Allah after the messengers. Allah was ever Mighty, Wise. (Quran 4:165) Obey Allah and obey the messenger, and beware! But if ye turn away, then know that the duty of Our messenger is only plain conveyance (of the message). (Quran 5:92) Disbelievers and Messengers on Day of Judgement Await they aught save the fulfilment thereof? On the day when the fulfilment thereof cometh, those who were before forgetful thereof will say: The messengers of our Lord did bring the Truth! Have we any intercessors, that they may intercede for us? Or can we be returned (to life on earth), that we may act otherwise than we used to act? They have lost their souls, and that which they devised hath failed them. (Quran 7:53) Believers and Messengers on Day of Judgement And We remove whatever rancour may be in their hearts. Rivers flow beneath them. And they say: The praise to Allah, Who hath guided us to this. We could not truly have been led aright if Allah had not guided us. Verily the messengers of our Lord did bring the Truth. And it is cried unto them: This is the Garden. Ye inherit it for what ye used to do. (Quran 7:43) Messengers put under hardship Till, when the messengers despaired and thought that they were denied, then came unto them Our help, (Quran 12:110) Believing in Allah and His Messengers as a way to Sincerity and Paradise And those who believe in Allah and His messengers, they are the loyal, and the martyrs are with their Lord; they have their reward and their light; (Quran 57:19) Thus, it is seen that the way the word “Rasool” has been mentioned in the Quran is even more commanding and authoritative than for the word “Nabi”. Only 13 of the occurrences of the word “Rasool” were included above, and yet theer can be no doubt as to what type of “Messenger” the Quran is referring to. As noted before, there are some cases in which the word “Rasool” has been used outside of its religious meaning or has been used with respect to non-human Messengers. Yet the total number of occurrences where the Messenger being alluded to is in line with Islaamic doctrine are so many and so unambiguous that only a fanatic would deny the importance Allah has placed upon the concept of “Risaalah” in the Quran. Even if a person with minimal knowledge on how to interpret the Quran where to give his opinion about these Verses, we would find that his understanding in many cases corresponds closely to that of the expert scholars of Islam. This is due to the radiating clarity with which many of these Ayahs have been revealed. Again, if we were to compare it with the “higher” principle of Imaamah, we would see the weakness of the Shia arguments. I started to see the difference between what the Shia scholars were stating in terms of the importance of Imaamah and what Allah Himself has said in the Quran. Was it only a coincidence that the manners in which these doctrines are discussed are so vastly different? Or is it because Imaamah is not part of the Islam revealed to Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Salaam), and is the product of a different outlook? Absolutely yes, imaamah is a fabricated doctrine which has no root to islam. May Allah guide us to the truth. May peace and blessings be upon our prophet, the believers of his family, the companions and all those who followed them to eternity. Amen
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:51:26 +0000

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