Excellent current summary by Rick Staggenborg July 9 at 11:18pm - TopicsExpress


Excellent current summary by Rick Staggenborg July 9 at 11:18pm · Coos Bay, OR · Edited In these times, it is easy to long for days past when major wars tended to occur one at a time, With everything going on in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and now Palestine (again), it is easy to believe that the Anglo-American-Israeli Empire is an unstoppable force. After hard fought gains, Syria is again challenged by the recent successes of an ISIS/IS backed by the Empire and its GCC partners in crime. What will happen in Iraq is anyones guess, and there are no signs of stability in Libya, where loyalist victories have been far and few between. The bright spot in all this is that Kievs recent victory in Eastern Ukraine may prove to be a pyrrhic one. According to this analysis, all indications are that events will conspire against the coup government regardless of what the Empire wants. I hope that Syrians are paying attention to Ukraine and understand that their struggle is one, for they are fighting the same enemy. May Libyans take heart that resistance to the Empire that has devastated their nation is growing. May all Iraqis realize that their struggle is not with each other but with the forces contending to control them, both from Baghdad and the Empire and its minions. Iraqi Kurds in particular need to realize that their long-term interests lie in solidarity with all Iraq, the entire Arab world and all nations struggling for freedom and self-determination. And finally, lets hope that all who are engaged in their individual struggles against the Empire from the US to Beijing and everywhere in between remember that the fate of Palestinians will be their own if we do not build a united international front against fascism and war at the grassroots level.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 23:14:34 +0000

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