Excerpt from TIME TO LIVE; current Book in The Celestial Sea - TopicsExpress


Excerpt from TIME TO LIVE; current Book in The Celestial Sea Voyages--publishing in the near future: Mouse is surprised that the dense fog has suddenly thinned--to the point that she really can see a green island in the near distance. And is that Jon, waving from the shore? She thought he had gone for good, the thrill over; his interest waned, although she knows their connection means so much more than that. Oh--what on earth is her handsome friend doing now? She watches as he walks with calm deliberation into the water in his white shirt and trousers--right up to his waist! Does he intend swimming back out to The Celestial Sea? She knows he has a penchant for cold water, but this is foolhardy; spring hasn’t arrived and the temperature is low! A stiff breeze accompanies him as he tackles the thankfully still water. Mouse is desperately anxious, gripping the hand-rail until her knuckles are white and her teeth chattering. He really is swimming back out to The Boat! She is no judge of distance but a good cricketer might hit a ‘six’ from the deck and just reach the island. Gathering up her skirts she runs to the forward locker--hopefully the rope-ladder is still there? Thank goodness--Mouse pulls the unwieldy and surprisingly heavy item away from the stow-hold and drags it to the rails. She runs back for the lifebelt, nearly tripping over her gown in the process. “Keep calm,” she tells herself over and over. “Jon is a strong swimmer--he’ll make it.” She can see him more clearly now--yes--he is getting closer with each stroke. She is breathless and excited; a heady cocktail when mixed with the worry. She can’t explain what he does to her; how he makes her feel--the only words that come to mind are ‘protected’ ‘cherished’ ‘held’ ‘right-placed’. Mouse knows he will weave the sentiment into a beautiful sentence--she is almost past poetic composition. Ah--thank goodness--he has found the lifebelt and comes alongside, making a grab for the ladder. She calls out to him and he responds with a brief wave. She is relieved that he appears okay. Mouse shudders as Jon pulls his strong body from the water. She still can’t believe how beautiful he is, or how he appears to want her by his side. The Celestial Sea is a large vessel and the climb exhausting. Where are they, anyway? She hadn’t realized they had slipped into the water for real; it must be a lake. Is there a lake near his home town? Jon is nearly on board--Mouse helps him carefully over the rail; his feet and lips are blue with cold and he stands before her, shivering; shivering. “I forgot my boots,” he stammers hesitatingly, by way of an explanation as to his spontaneous act of return. With her arm supporting him she leads her surprising new friend below decks, anxious to warm him up as soon as possible. “Just your boots?” She dares pose the question.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:47:15 +0000

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