Expert hopes Ebola will be over with in three months. The - TopicsExpress


Expert hopes Ebola will be over with in three months. The British expert in charge of the United Nations response to Ebola has said he hopes the spread of the killer virus will be under control in three months. I suppose what hes saying, in his expert way, is this: If the entire world community has a hands on approach to Ebola, we can stop it very soon. Funny joke. Hands on, get it? The top experts have been forecasting the end of Ebola about once each month, and usually say something like, within 3 months, or within 6 months, or what have you. So, they basically provide an upper limit and say, well, certainly by that time the epidemic will peter out. Or, they say that the epidemic will reach some specified top number, perhaps 20,000 by the end of the year, or whatever, and then the implication is that Ebola will then peter out, having run out of steam. Meanwhile, the top doctors keep on recommending against any travel restrictions or border controls to be instituted during this Ebola and Marburg virus outbreak. (Marburg has been detected in Uganda recently.) So, even as they make up fanciful petering out dates for the viruses, they also seem to do everything in their power to prevent epidemic controls by stringent travel restrictions and very strict quarantines. Doctors basically serve to calm people down, minimize the danger of Ebola and Marburg, and continue business as usual in international airlines and airports. Having had no hellish outbreaks to deal with in their own lifetimes, the top health officials have relegated the most horrible pandemics to the history books, and basically try to project an image of calm and control to prevent mass panic, meanwhile doing everything that Ebola wants in order to wipe out the most people, i.e., support continued air transportation for Mr. Ebola worldwide, at very high speed, thus inoculating every country with hellish suffering. Those who express concern about the outbreak and pandemic are said to worry excessively that they will catch Ebola, which is highly unlikely, and when there are so many more dangerous diseases and other hazards out there to be concerned about. Therefore, the Ebola worriers become hypochondriacs, mental cases, who are panicked over one case of Ebola in the USA, selfishly worried about their own mortality, while millions of people suffer every day from all sorts of difficulties and agonies. Meanwhile also, CDC has predicted a worst case scenario of 1.4 million Ebola cases by the end of January 2015. While some recognize this extreme level of horror for what it is, others hearing this number probably start to place CDC in the same category with the Ebola hypochondriacs, when in fact this high number is a direct consequence of the early warnings of the exponential growth of the cases and deaths due from Ebola in successive months. Bringing any screened Ebola patients into clinics and hospitals for our high tech USAmerican treatments, as new patients arrive every day from West Africa, will contaminate our clinics and hospitals and throw their relatively calm, orderly bureaucracies into total chaos within a matter of a few hours or a few days. We still see highly trained nurses and doctors catching Ebola, even though these people are the ones who should be relatively safe if they follow the safe protocols they had supposedly developed, advocated and practiced. The death rate of doctors and nurses exposed to Ebola must be just about the same as the death rate for the population as a whole, in West Africa, and it will also be just about the same here in the USA, is my bet.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 05:39:07 +0000

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