F B D# G# 148 years ago today, a Munich audience heard this for - TopicsExpress


F B D# G# 148 years ago today, a Munich audience heard this for the first time: https://youtube/watch?v=NyqTt75B_8s Nothing in music was the same afterwards. As Nietzsche wrote, after his break with Wagner: ‘…Alles erwogen, hätte ich meine Jugend nicht ausgehalten ohne Wagnerische Musik. Denn ich war verurtheilt zu Deutschen. Wenn man von einem unerträglichen Druck loskommen will, so hat man Haschisch nöthig. Wohlan, ich hatte Wagner nöthig. Wagner ist das Gegengift gegen alles Deutsche par excellence, - Gift, ich bestreite es nicht ... Von dem Augenblick an, wo es einen Klavierauszug des Tristan gab - mein Compliment, Herr von Bülow! -, war ich Wagnerianer….’ [Taking everything into account I could never have survived my youth without Wagnerian music. For I was condemned to the society of Germans. If one wishes to escape from unbearable pressure then one needs hashish. Well, I needed Wagner. Wagner is the antidote to everything essentially German — the fact that he is also a poison I do not deny. From the moment that Tristan was arranged for the piano — all honour to you Herr von Bülow! - I was a Wagnerian.] Reading analyses of the Prelude can take longer than hearing the entire opera. Thinking about the influence of Tristan and Isolde can take a lifetime. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tristan_chord
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 09:51:05 +0000

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