FACEBOOK, GREEDY-ME-ISM, THE BLACK PASTORS & POLITICIANS R PERFECT INSTRUMENTS 2 B USED IN OUR DIVISION. The advantage I have over all of you who are claiming to be specialists at identifying agents is that I have been reading about spies before almost all of you. I read about spies who’d published their works under fiction to avoid prosecution under the official secret acts. I read about the life story of double agents from the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic) that defected to the West, and about double agents from the West passing on classified information to the USSR and later defecting to the USSR. The none-fiction work of Peter Wright’s “Spycatcher” is still a master piece to read. The author was a British agent who’d exposed a set of spies that were working for MI5. Peter Wright accused Anthony Blunt, an art collector for the Queen of England and Sir Roger Henry Hollis, Director General of MI5, as double agents working for the Soviet Union. With information coming in from both sides, The West and USSR, it was easy for me to see the West and USSR are wings on the same bird and that bird was a vulture that plucked the flesh of the Afrakans until there is only dry bones. The same dry bones in the valley your Bible referred to until someone “The Messiah Marcus Garvey” came along and blew the spirit of life back into them. With such vast knowledge in espionage in the tactics of sleepers, infiltrators, and double agents, I can see clearly many of you are calling genuine frontline warriors, agents. The internet, with its Facebook, YouTube, e-mail, etc., has my people so confused that you are now turning on each other and accusing each other of being agents because of inflated egos and greedy-me-ism. It is easy to spot a suspect, not and agent, operating in the BCC. They are apologists. They hardly ever, or never, criticize the religion they were brought up in and they are quick to mention “so-called” Black Conscious Community. Yet they are the first to want to peddle their wears in this so-called conscious community. If the Black Conscious community is “so-called” (negative connotation); and you are questioning its legitimacy; its description, accuracy and right to exist, then, why are you trying to peddle your wears in it? Why are you trying to promote yourself in it? Why are you trying to foist yourself off as a leader in it? Why are you trying to gain recognition from the so-called people in the BCC? I can and will never belong to anything that is so-called. That is hypocrisy right there. There were many uprising before Garvey but the Messiah Marcus Garvey was the first to start a global Black revolution to counter global white supremacy. The Christians clergies, your today’s Necronegroes, from Yale, Harvard, and Princeton and where ever the hell they had come from were so envious and jealous of the success of this short, stocky, charcoal Black man from Jamaica that they conspire with the Christians kkkrackkkers to destroy Garvey and his movement. It is this same envy, jealousy and greedy-me that our politicians and pastors first displayed that now permeates Black people like an infectious disease that is causing the controllers of this web, this instrument, this net they called internet with its e-mail, g-mail, Facebook, YouTube, etc., to successfully pit my people against each other. Facebook is telling me I could pay $30 (US) dollars to boost my post. Facebook is playing with my ego. Now, why would I want to pay to boost my post? If you can boost my post, you certainly can reduce the circulation of my post as you have been doing. I can see more than 15 people reposting my post yet Facebook will show no share. I see Facebook deleting favorable comments on my articles. I see Facebook omitting and including words in my articles as to make the sentence confusing. Likes and comments are confined to a few friends and the share button is never there on post that can enlighten and wake up our people. I have seen videos where the sound in the background is louder than the message or the sound is so low that you have to lip read to overstand what the person is saying. If you are here to get a rush from your post, you will be solely, surely and greatly disappointed. Plantation Revolution didn’t work when you and I were on the plantation and we should not expect it to work now. The Revolution of the messiah Marcus Garvey had worked and that is what we should be focusing on at this moment with one exception. The Messiah did not had to contend with faggotism. By the time we get to Malcolm & Nkrumah, you could have count the faggots on two fingers. By the time faggotism reach the era of our last prophet Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad, it was out of control and he had to address it and other issues plaguing the Afrakan communities with: “No sleeping with white woman; we are not here to love white woman. It doesn’t matter how long her dress is, her wickedness is longer than her dress; faggots, transgender and transvestites are not welcome here.” How did this upsurge in faggotism come about? How did faggots become our leaders? They were created by the kkkrackkkers and thrust upon us as leaders. The four leaders since the plantation revolutions that shook white supremacy to its core are Garvey, Malcolm X, Nkrumah and Dr. Khallid. Our enemies, the kkkrackkkers, this beast, these devils, throw the Messiah Marcus Garvey in jail, deported him and disbanded the strongest Pan-Afrakan Nationalist Movement the world has ever known. To stop the rise of another Messiah that could unite the Afrakan Nation, the kkkrackkkers gave independence to these small little countries in Afraka and the Caribbean. Malcolm and Nkrumah were in the same era and they stretched forth their hands and embraced each other with Pan-Afrakan Nationalism. That bold move by an Afrakan from the Diaspora and an indigenous Afrakan send shock waves through corridors of white supremacy ruled by racism and discrimination. It was after the assassination of Malcolm X and the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah, they started giving free scholarship to Afrakans from every part of the globe to study in the West. These Afrakans were to become the future misleaders of Black people wherever we are. They are your current priests and politicians. As much as 98% (or higher) of these Black pastors and politicians lost their anal virginity to a kkkrackkker or to a Necronegro that is working for the kkkrackkkers after they were given free scholarship to study in the West. Those who were already living in the West, America to be exact were also initiated into sodomy in these institutions of higher learning. Think about this: after the liquidation of Malcolm and King and the toppling of Nkrumah, why didn’t your pastors and politicians take up the mantle of leadership for our liberation? They were enough of them then and too many of them around now to do that. Did they? No, they did not. Have anyone of them priest or politicians ever try to mobilize us for the betterment of us? No, they have not. They cannot rebel or lead a revolution against the white man like the Priest Nat Turner did because they are slaves and servants to the kkkrackkkers. The white man took the anal virginity of your politicians and pastors and gave them a lot of influence over my people and at the same time made them weak, ineffective and useless misleaders over my beloved Black people. Ptah Maakhrw Ra Amen, Elder at APCE, Minister, Gatekeeper & Warlord on the frontline for the Liberation & Unification of the Afrakan Nation (LUAN). Amen-Ra!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 06:48:47 +0000

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