FACTS ABOUT MT KENYA Mount Kenya is THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN IN THE WORLD VIA FERRATA and the Africa’s second highest mountain at 5,199m (17,058 feet) and the highest of all Kenya Mountains. Mount Kenya is roughly circular, about 60km across at the 200mm contour, where the steep font hills rise out of the gentler slopes of the centered highlands. At the centre of the massif, the main peaks rise sharply from around 4,500m to the main summit of Batian 5,199m, Nelion 5,188m and point Lenana 4,985m. Mount Kenya is THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN IN THE WORLD VIA FERRATA and the Africa’s second highest mountain at 5,199m (17,058 feet) and the highest of all Kenya Mountains. Mount Kenya is roughly circular, about 60km across at the 200mm contour, where the steep font hills rise out of the gentler slopes of the centered highlands. At the centre of the massif, the main peaks rise sharply from around 4,500m to the main summit of Batian 5,199m, Nelion 5,188m and point Lenana 4,985m. Other major summits on the mountain include Point Piggott 4,957m, Point Dutton 4,885 and Point John 4,883m. Of the three main peaks (Batian, Lenana and Nelion), only point Lenana can be reached by trekkers and the other two being only for technical climbers. 320km away in the south you can see Mt Kilimanjaro on a clear day early in the morning from the summits of all peaks in Mt Kenya The rock on Mount Kenya can be of variable quality but is at its best high on the mountain where the syenite rock is similar to granite - rough, hard and well endowed with features. Apart from the superb climbing potential on Mount Kenya, its tarns and alpine meadows; exotic, equatorial, high-altitude vegetation; sunbirds, hyrax and soaring eagles make the walk around the peaks one of the most beautiful expeditions in the East African mountains. After the cultivated farmlands on the lower slopes the trails pass through the rain forest, rich in trees of many species but noticeably camphors, then onto a bamboo zone growing to heights of more than 12m or more up through open moor land before reaching the moonscape of higher slopes. The forests are rich in wildlife including elephant, buffalo and monkeys with even the moor lands offering a long list of mammals including the rock hyrax, the nearest living relative of the elephant. Mt. Kenya is an ancient volcanic mountain much older than Mt. Kilimanjaro. It’s believed to have once reached well above (6000m). What is left today is volcanic plug which erosion has fashioned into the complex jagged outline of the central. MOUNT KENYA VEGETATIONAL COVERAGE IN PERCENTAGE Bamboo and Forest Mix - 23% Bamboo - 10% Forest - 32% Bushy Forest - 11% Grassland - 8.5% Plantation - 9% Other - 6.5% peaks This is by far the most scenic and adventurers Mountains in East Africa.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 12:40:34 +0000

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