FAKE PROPHETS; YOU ARE POSSESSED ! This is not a particularly - TopicsExpress


FAKE PROPHETS; YOU ARE POSSESSED ! This is not a particularly pleasant memory, but i will share it for the sake of instruction. When i was younger, a lady prophetess (who claimed to be a Catholic) was invited to my house by my elder sister and partly my mother (Dad wasnt around at the time, he would not have supported this). While she prayed, she said i was cunning, i agreed, how many boys at the time havent told a lie to get one thing or another (thinking back i am not happy about my crimes either), then he looked at my elder brother and said he belonged to a secret society (remember, we were only little boys), i became sorry for my brother who agreed to the ladys revelations. While i was still wondering how my brother could belong to such a society she turned and said i too belonged. WELL, HERES THE TRICKY PART Before the entire courts of heaven, i felt like i was hypnotized, i too ACCEPTED what i knew nothing of. She was asked by my heartbroken (and weeping) mother, if we were consciously involved or not, she confirmed we both knew, and we in fact went into a bush in our schools to learn how to handle guns. For my elder brothers school, the lie wouldve been apt, but for mine, i went to a very small school, with all the compound finished with gravel, there was not so much as a single blade of grass in it. My mum cried throughout the prayer, and the atmosphere felt spiritual at the time, since to everyone present she has revealed something. NOW Some days back someone sent us a message telling us he is possessed by a demon, I didnt bother asking so much details, i simply requested for his phone number, and i rang him on Good Shepherd Sunday (2014), and i asked him how he knows hes possessed, he said, amongst other things a prophet told me. I was moved to compassion, since i too have been through such dilemma myself. THE LESSON I forcefully made him renounce any such belief, and assured him that these so called prophets tell a whole lot of lies and i have myself witnessed a whole lot of them growing up, many of these people were simply forced on us by our elder sister, and approved by our mother who believed a whole lot of superstitious stuff. These people use catch-all words to tell you stuff. They always say negative things about you in order to get you worked up, and make you spit some cash. They would tell you a tree in your village Your grand mother, your boss Your so so relation etc is your problem. Or that the naturally explainable nightmares you have are demonic attacks. So many who have come to me with such news now call me with great rejoicing because i always told them NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some accept since they trust me, others doubt (very few), yet some others are confused, then why do i keep having nightmares (For instance), and i reply because you are afraid and when they believe, they BECOME TOTALLY FREE. Many of them here on the page can testify to this truth. Fear is never from God, these fake prophets use fear to manipulate their preys. They get you worked up, and those things they say is wrong with you actually begin to happen to you because you are obsessed with them, and are afraid. But once you remove your heart from such superstition and recognize that: 1. What the devil wants is just your soul. 2. The devil has a whole lot of work to do than to make you have nightmares without taking your soul (he has not a moment to waste) 3. The ONLY way he can actually take your soul is if he succeeds in making you sin. 4. The only people he USUALLY disturb like this are those Saints who refused to yield to sin. (but this does not mean they were possessed) 5. When you believe these things, they begin to happen to you because you are scared. 6. Once you are kept free from sin, and you receive Jesus in the Eucharist, you belong to God and the devil cannot harm or touch you no matter how much noise he makes. BOTTOM LINE Stop patronizing liars, these men exist because people are still superstitious. Someone is hating me right now in their mind, but this is just the Truth. God wants you to come to him with love so that he himself may possess and fill your soul. Once you give yourself to Christ, and have kept yourself or are fighting to keep yourself from sin, especially mortal ones, you are free from the devil, you have no business with him. HATE ME, CURSE ME, I HAVE WITNESSED THESE THINGS MYSELF, HATE ME, CURSE ME, THE TRUTH NEVER CHANGES. SHARE ! Join us at catholicgo, create and manage your blogs, meet and chat with other Catholics !
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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