FB friends, I am BEGGING & PLEADING with each of you to please - TopicsExpress


FB friends, I am BEGGING & PLEADING with each of you to please take 2 seconds to sign this very important petition for a much needed piece of legislation! You can watch this sad and heartfelt 10 minute video but your dont have too, just click the link below to sign the petition for the Veterans Accountability Act. Please as Americans do this for our servicemen, women and families!! Lots of these service men and women come home from war and their lives spiral downward and out of control for years. We need to provide them the care they need to adjust to life again. It is the least we can do for them. PTSD is a huge issue in this country and continues to be ignored. Signing this petition will help!! The VA Management Accountability Act (S. 2013) is an important piece of legislation that would empower the VA Secretary to fire failing executives within the Department of Veterans Affairs. Despite passing the House of Representatives in an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 390-33, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is blocking the bill from consideration in the Senate. CVA is fighting to change this — by calling on all Senators to become cosponsors of S. 2013, thereby demonstrating leadership on the issue of VA accountability and sending a clear signal to Senator Reid that our veterans deserve a vote. Stand together as we continue the mission. Sign the petition below to demand that the Senate allow a vote on the VA Management Accountability Act: See more at: cv4a.org/pryor. - See more at: concernedveteransforamerica.org/walkthewalk/#sthash.6wEQIiyK.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:31:01 +0000

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