FB friends are sending me requests to like up Elizabeth Warren & - TopicsExpress


FB friends are sending me requests to like up Elizabeth Warren & Cynthia McKinney as 2016 presidential candidates. I may not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the election but the odds are the same Id endorse either candidate since I am running against them as an independent socialist. Warren is a Democrat who recently pilgrimaged to Israel to pay obligatory homage at the same time millions around the world protested Israeli ethnic cleansing in Gaza. If she stinks on that question, theres a magnitude of issues she doesnt understand that makes her unsuited to the historic mission of turning this country away from the disaster course its on. As for McKinney, she does support Palestinians & has other progressive views, but she isnt far enough away from the Democratic Party power-politics way of operating & seeing the world. Warren has a good shot at taking the DP nomination from Clinton because her corruption is less developed; McKinney stands no chance at all of winning. I dont give a damn whether one or both run. My campaign program is entirely different because it is rooted in working people organizing ourselves & not relying on saviors in sheeps clothing. My mantra is the adage of Eugene V. Debs who ran as socialist candidate for president several times in the early 20th century: Its better to vote for what you want & not get it then to vote what you dont want & get it. (PS: My running mate Tyrone Hbd & I need some seed money to begin the campaign & if youre able to help us can discuss with you what its for.)
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 05:24:54 +0000

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